Dexcom sites

So I like using my arm but I also put my Omnipod on my arm. I put the Omnipod on my things but I’ve noticed I’ve had more issues of the cannula getting kinked or dislodged due to the movement on my thighs. Anyone with an Omnipod, where do you wear it on your thighs?

Also with the dexcom I wear on my arm but I’ve noticed you guys says vertically worked for you I will have to try that because horizontally it starts to fall off after a couple of days. Where on your arm do you wear it? I wear it closer to th back but I’ve noticed sometimes when inserting and a couple days after it hurts if I move my arm a certain way and I think it’s hitting a muscle or something. I’m pretty thin how do you guys that are thin deal with this or insert it differently to help? I decided to buy the flexifix you suggested because it keeps getting loose.

Any suggestions of sites (hate my tummy!) or how to put it on my thigh? Same with the Omnipod!



I’m wearing the dex on my arm for the first time, vertically. It’s on the inside of my arm but almost on the bottom.

I love using my thighs. I usually put it between the top and inner jeans seam, towards the top of my leg, vertically.

horizontal not mechainical good. Curvature of arm will cause elastic dexcom sensor pad to lift.

Vertical puts whole sensor on the flat of arm with adhesive wrapping around curvature. It tends to stay on that way.

I use that all the time and since I bought unit.

I got the FDA blather and their dam approved spot that was not usefull and reflected out on web where opinion seemed to be - get that dam sensor off the gut.

good luck

I just put a Dex in my arm for the first time last week and I LOVE it there. My readings are so accurate. Like nothing I ever had on my tummy. I put it vertically towards the back of my arm. I felt around to feel where felt the most fatty, where I didnt feel any muscle. I hope it works for you. I am loving it!

Great news. my sentiments exactly.

As you know, there are no guarantees but glad it worked out.

Mine is awesome too, amazingly accurate! Just restarted for the second week this morning.

btw, when I tried on gut; I got readings of 160 on gut and on fingertips 238.

Not usefull at all. On arm all I see when diff is when delay of interstial tissue catching up to finger tip.