Dexcom online reporting rant

Every time I have used the online form to report a sensor failure I have to have a phone conversation with a support person.

I reported one last night and while I was in the middle of a ZOOM session Dexcom called. They also left an email with the following questionnaire.

Thank you for contacting Dexcom Global Technical Support Web Self Service regarding Inaccurate readings on 03/20/2023. Responses may take longer than normal.

We are unable to call you at this time because it is well before our official calling hours. Rest assured that we are working in resolving your concerns at the soonest time possible.

  1. Did the patient experience any symptoms prior to and/or at the time of the event? (example: Nausea, Dizziness) Yes or No
  2. IF YES: Was there any treatment provided to alleviate symptoms prior to and/or at the time of the event? Yes or No
  3. What is the patient’s current condition ( e.g. stable) ?
  4. Did you calibrate the CGM after you noticed the difference?
  5. Did the calibration bring the CGM reading into the expected range?
  6. Prior to the event did any of the following occur that could contribute to a discrepancy between the CGM and BG values?

a. Rubbing/bumping/laying (compression) on transmitter / wearable (G7)

b. Water exposure to the sensor

c. Poor patch adhesion

d. Using multiple BG meters during sensor session

e. Improper CGM sensor / wearable (G7) storage

f. Dialysis

g. Critically ill

h. Expired test strips

i. MRI, CT scan, Diathermy

j. Not Washing hands prior to finger stick

k. Other – Please describe

Once all required information is provided, we will book for a replacement within 24 hours and will be shipped within 3-5 business days. A separate email will be sent for additional information regarding the shipment.

You may visit the Dexcom Help Center to answer your questions regarding your concern:

Is my Dexcom sensor accurate? | Dexcom

If you require immediate assistance, please contact us at 844-607-8398 and provide the case number(s): 230320-007124 or for future reference you can also try other channels by clicking the link below.

I think I will keep that questionnaire and added to the comment section on the online form. Maybe that will be enough, but I doubt it.


The form for overpatches never works. It always tells me to try later or call tech support. You would think it would be a simple thing, to get the forms to work but no…

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I think we all understand your frustration with the Dexcom system of reporting failures or inaccuracies. Although, unlike Laura_S, I have not had any problem ordering overmatches online, I have given up on trying to talk to Dexcom unless I have to totally scrap a sensor or transmitter.

My latest experiences are two-fold. First, either their adhesives or my skin has undergone a change because lately, I cannot get the tape marks off after wearing a sensor for nine days. Anyone have good ideas for an adhesive remover that will not eat sensitive skin?

Note that I said “nine days” because lately I cannot get a full 10 days out of a sensor with any accuracy. My latest problem had me at day nine get a morning alert at 60, then 55, then 45 all within about 5 minutes. I told my husband that something was wonky because I did not feel low at all. I tested my blood and came up with another surprise – a reading of 212! Just think what would have happened had I tried to treat my fictitious 45 low! I have given up even reporting such happenings, and I just set a schedule now to change my sensor every 8-9 days.

Dexcom still probably makes the best CGM on the market, but their customer service has certainly taken a nose dive.


I use 70percent ipa, then shower with a wash cloth, but what works. Best is to put down a iv3000 tape before and poking through it with the applicator, then the adhesive nev
on your skin. The iv3000 glue never stays after I remove it

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I’ve never had a follow-up call from Dexcom when I filled out the online form.

My circumstances may be different than yours. I’m located in the United States. Having a background in tech support I’m proactive in providing more detail than they want. I’m fortunate in that I have more time and words than I have other things to do.

I’ve received 5 replacements within 9 months, reporting the failures after a minimum of 12 hours because none of mine failed to give reading; they just never became steady and accurate.

Their response form to me looks like this:

As soon as I receive that response form I reply to it by inserting a paragraph that has a lot of detail in it about the circumstances and saying that I’ve replaced the sensor. I include a screenshot of the monitoring app I use that clearly shows the deviation and the time of insertion. The combination tells them that I’ve used the product correctly and done basic troubleshooting.

I’ve NEVER had a problem ordering overpatches; they are just sent incredibly slow.

They always preemptively blame slow delivery on the post office, so I started tracking the fullfilment time. (I regularly get mail from the same USPS regional processing center several times a month). On average they were taking 10 days to get their envelopes to the USPS, 4 days to deliver cross-country as first class mail.

The second to last time I ordered them I emailed the tech support address of the failed sensor form asking if the delays were due to a supply shortage, They said they were in the process of creating a “new order processing system”. I replied with a three sentence procedure that told them how to do it with a label printer and pre-stuffed envelopes which would reduce their labor and handling operations by 75%, cut out-the-door time to a day or less.

I’m guessing that they’re not going to do anything comma that there that instead they will wait until the G7 is out, which has over patches prepacked in every carton, and they will use the overpatch delays for the G6 incentivize people to change to the less expensive to manufacture G7

Well, you just described me to a tee. From now on, I will use those questions in my report.

I’ve only had one or two phone calls. Usually just email. I have figured out that they are not grilling me over specifics but just gathering data, which I see as A Good Thing. So I know the answers and it only takes a couple of minutes unless I want to explain further, which I usually do and appreciate being able to do it in email.

The comment block is severely limited in number of characters. I have tried to put explanations there, and it’s just too small.

I call that the “falling off a cliff” syndrome. Happens too often.

I even sometimes list my issue as “other” in the form, as I know that will get an email response, into which I can explain fully and even include graphics. Does anyone pay attention, or do they just record that I sent a response and say yeah OK? I don’t know. But my personality is such that I feel better having explained rather than giving inexact answers just to get a free sensor. Heck, I don’t need any more, but even when I say please don’t send one, they do anyway.

(post deleted by author)

When you use the online form you get an email from Dexcom with a case number. You can reply to that email and include the detains that doesn’t fit into the text box. They get read by the human that is checking the boxes to say you’ve met the requirements to send a replacement.

In one reply I said Dexcom is not in compliance with FDA mandatory device malfunction reporting and cited the specific section of the Code of Federal Regulations. I got a call back from someone who might have actually worked for Dexcom.

That email questionnaire sure is annoying.

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If by “automatic” you mean “automated”, then no, I don’t. When I submit at night, the email doesn’t come until the next day, though at least once that’s been on a Sunday.

Many of my reports could be put into “readings seem inaccurate”, and I make sure I write down a pair of readings that fit their criteria in case I don’t want to take the time to explain. But there are many variations of inaccurate readings, and they need to know about (and should be asking about) those variations. Just being off 20% is a minor matter; if it’s consistent then calibration may deal with it. Ripples, spikes, sudden fall followed by sensor error – these are very different issues.

I recently had one with three hours of what looked like a scatter plot, random numbers. (Though ironically none that caused an alert, which is why I didn’t kill it sooner.)

Drops 50 points in ten minutes, then back to normal in ten minutes, with no apparent cause, in particular not a compression issue.

Recently had a case of 114, 118, 118, 103, 84, 59, 80, 84, 114, 131, 149, 161 etc. Unfortunately when I got the truck-siren alarm, I acted to correct before looking at the graph, resulting in >300 an hour later. Definitely no external cause. But a sequence of five bad readings is a whole lot different from long term bad readings. But if happened when I was at a concert, it would have been a disaster – phone ringing is bad bad bad, but the urgent low siren, when false, is beyond the pale.

I certainly hope they continue analyzing. However, the fact that they make it easy to get a replacement sensor by entering a pair of numbers, which they have no way to validate, almost certainly means that many reports are made the easy way, and thus that variations don’t get properly categorized.

Reading carefully is good. Re-categorizing to one of the existing categories, when the problem doesn’t fit the category, is hiding information. When I’ve provided additional information, I have never received feedback, just “shipped”.

Careful? When I write “please don’t send a sensor, I have more than enough”, they invariably ignore me.

I’ve gotten about 35 replacements since the start of 2021. (On me, sensors usually last at least 7 days, but often fail before 10 days.) If the form had space for a full explanation, including the ability to upload graphs, I’d utilize those. The lack of space on the form discourages complete reporting.

My first concern is that I want them to understand the problems I had, even if those problems don’t fit their predetermined categories. Reducing their work is good as long as it is subsidiary to the first concern. Same with closing the call – that’s good if the problem has been fully recognized and recorded, but not just for the sake of closing the call.

I agree you need to play the system game. I never try to get more than I deserve, but I’m also not going to accept that a failure of a sensor is my fault if it’s not.
I exclusively use my arms for sensors and I never get scars or even inflamed sites.
My infusion sites are the opposite. I get inflamed and scarred and all that.
Bodies react differently to foreign objects.
Most diabetics who use insulin have abnormal blood counts (cbc). That’s because we have high Eosinophil counts. And we get that from constantly poking ourselves. Our bodies respond sending Eosinophils to respond to what it thinks is a parasite.
However it’s just a cannula or a sensor wire.


This seems to be our main point of disagreement. Getting a replacement sensor with little effort is simple. My top priority is to try to get the real problem passed on to the developers. Maybe I’ll succeed, quite likely I won’t. But I will try, and fitting a square peg into a round hole does not accomplish that.

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I am with you on this

I like it simple and easy. I flll out the form and then I get an e-mail saying they are shipping my replacement.

The only time I have any issues with the overpatches are when I order them sooner than when I’m “allowed”. The problem with that is remembering when you are “allowed”. And they come on a very slow boat. Since I restart mine it’s usually not an issue, but I think I have more sensors than overpatches.

I did call tech purposely when I started a new transmitter and sensor at the same time and I had the sensor have wildly bad numbers and wouldn’t calibrate. It kept reverting to the old numbers. I wondered if the transmitter had a problem so I wanted to call. I was told no, it’s the sensor. Start another one and the same thing so I called again and was told the same thing. We’ll replace the sensor. Third one, same thing. Okay, well this time I’m starting a new transmitter with a new sensor. That worked, so then I called and told them I needed a new transmitter and sensor, that it happened again, replaced them both and now I’m not having an issue. I was asked so you replaced the transmitter, good, because some people are having the same problem and you have to replace the transmitter. We’ll send replacements. “Eye Roll”!