I just wanted to tell everyone out there that on November 06,2013 I received a fovorable decision from the ALJ of medicare hearings that medicare now has to cover my Dexcom sensors and supplies. People: you have to continue to fight for what you need. For those of us that continue to suffer from hypoglycemic unawareness ( not being able to sense low blood sugars )you have to continue to fight medicare and appeal there denial.That is what I did. I went through the appeal process all the way to the third level where I testified before a judge,and I had witnesses and medical evidence to back me up. Another thing I did was to get my congressman that represents my district in Washington DC involved. So get out there and fight for what you deserve. Good luck and GOD bless. If anyone wants to contact me, email me and I will give you my phone number.
i'm so happy for you
yes we have to fight
Dave that is awesome. Thank you for the most positive news.
Dave, you're a hero. I sent you info in a friend request this afternoon saying I'd love to chat with you more about this. I'm about to glove-slap Medicare over the same issue. Please PM me back with info on when is good for you to chat. I'm on PST. Thanks!