
Hi, I'm new and am looking for some support.
I've been bottoming out my BG levels at 45. . . and reaching a top of 300. I have developed Neuropathy which isn't surprising and my RN Nutritionist, ,recommends strongly that I buy a DEXCOM unit. Is there a better cost, to me, than my 80% coverage from Tri-Care? Another Insurance policy which may be competitive to Tri-Care?


3056-DEXCOMInformationfromSupplyRepresentative0001.pdf (1.39 MB)

I think many people have found a CGM is really helpful, not only in alerting them to hypos, but also in identifying when, how and why highs occur. While an 80% coverage of a CGM might seem pretty stingy, I don't think it is that bad considering the benefit your get.


I am beginning to come to that same conclusion. When you say CGM, is that the DEXCOM Unit?

The unit I tried as a trial never alerted me to Highs and Lows. How can I prevent this same response after buying Dexcom? Once Dexcom was programed, I believed I'd get notification, even in my sleep.

Do you use DEXCOM? Or know someone who does? During my trial, I never was notified of Highs or lows, aside from glancing at the receiver. I had thought after it was programed, I would receive an alert.

You should get alerted if the alarms are set properly. Love my dexcom. It's helped me identify patterns so I can tweak my basal rates, is pretty good about alerting me to lows/highs, and even more to let me know when I'm rising or dropping.

It's not *always* accurate, and you still need to FS before treating, but I wouldn't be without it.

How do you feel about putting the sensor inside you? Do you feel at all invasive? or as if you my get site infection? Do you think newer technology is coming and the need to inject with a sensor will be eliminated?


I don't use a CGM, but I know people who do. And one of the very important things the CGM can do is alert you to highs and lows.

i think when you're on the trial, you're not able to get any info, no? I've had three trial CGMS and all the data went straight back to my endos' office where it was downloaded. I never was able to read the CGM, all I had was a sensor inside me.

It looks like you're a type 2 on insulin? I would focus more on getting your blood sugars in range, putting energy into why you're going so low and going so high, and figuring out your meds and or insulin rates, if you can. Good luck!

I have the Minimed CGM which by most accounts seems to be a shade more invasive than the Dexcom. I like it a lot and have found the data useful to fine-tune things. I haven’t had too many problems with sites. I presume newer technology is coming but nouthing too revolutionary any time soon. I have not seen anything about a sensor that doesn’t need insertion.

Thanks for the response. I see my Endo this week. She , I hope, will tell me more information on the need of DEXCOM in this case. Definitely getting BG's in line with Insulin ,for me, is a good point. I am currently reading the book Insulin and getting allot out of it. I have control of sorts. As I figure it, I get lows 45 or so, when I least expect them, then over compensate to result in a high.


Is this unit something a person uses for the rest of their life?
I'm evaluating the situation and feel as if DEXCOM is a good thing.
The insertion bothers me a little.

just use glucose tabs, if you can, when you're low..if i'm say in the 60's, i just eat one or maybe two, depending how much IOB I have. 45....drink some juice...coke, etc...

I would want to use it that long as I figure it increases my probability of living longer. The insertion bothers me a bit but I’m addicted to the data.

Why the Dexcom sensor contraption may look intimidating, I find it no more painful than inserting my insulin pump infusion set.

Great Ideas, I had a low of 48 yesterday and only had GT's available so I took four. The largest amount I have ever taken. My level went to 154. I was impressed. Especially since this happened away from home and before a long drive. I don't like staying home but I'm afraid to drive much with this condition.

Indeed to lengthen your lifespan, DEXCOM is a pretty good thing. The information is invaluable.

How about sleeping at night do you have discomfort or does it come loose. Also showering. What happens?

You cover it with tape. I used this stuff Opsite Flexfix that is very sturdy. Last summer, after the longer runs I did, I’d lance the tape to drain pools of sweat out.

I think a lot of it depends on your skin type as well as the type of activities you do. I can usually get 10 days out of the sensor without any attachment issues. I usually workout about 30 minutes 5 days per week and no issues there. I don't use anything other than the delivered method of attaching. I think there are some people who's skin types require they use something additional to keep it attach like AR mentioned. But for me it isn't an issue. Also the Dexcom Sensor is a lot more compact than the Medtronic Sensor, so I think there is less of an issue of the sensor "flopping" around.

No more discomfort than living with diabetes on a daily basis.

I swim with my Dex and don't have to add tape until the 5th or 6th day of swimming. I did use the Navigator CGM before the Dex and did have to tape it immediately before swimming.
Discomfort is rare and is very minor, in fact I never notice it during sleep.