Diabetes Alert Dog

I will be getting an alert dog in July and would like to know what other experiance with one was. I am also trying to get my boyfriend to understand the importance of the dog and keep our relationship together.

I'm really excited to get her and have her come every where with me.

Becky - I wish you luck with your alert dog. I have lived with my hypoglycemia alert dog, Norm, for three years now. It’s been one of the most satisfying experiences of my life. Building a bond with a dog that can give you critical health warnings is special. Good luck with your adventure!

Becky, that is so awesome. I don't have any experience with an "alert" dog but my dog Cosmo who I got from a shelter nearly 7 years ago is quite good at sensing when my blood sugar starts to get low. I notice his change in behavior even more since I got a dexcom cgm. It's interesting how incredibly intuitive dogs are.
I wish you the best with your dog and your boyfriend. For me if push came to shove, I'd give up my husband long before I'd give up Cosmo, and he is fully aware of it.

My good friend and member here, Minnesota Ann,http://www.tudiabetes.org/profile/AnnWallen?xg_source=profiles_memberList
has an alert dog. A standard poodle named Lily. I'm sure she'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Congratulations Becky, and good luck. Please let us know how it goes.

hi Becky, please join our DAD group

I have a D.A.Dog and her name is Asha. I live alone so I can't tell you how awesome it is to have that little bit more of assurance. These dogs are amazing and she has given me the confidence to go out and do things on my own. With her by my side I feel so much safer knowing that she will let me know when I need to take care of myself before it gets to be an issue. She keeps me out of the emergency room, and encourages me to go for walks everyday. You are lucky to be getting one of these dogs! My advice to you is to understand that you must continue training your dog, training never ends for their entire life. My dog had her own facebook page where other people with D.A.D's chat and talk about their dogs, it is a great resource. http://facebook.com/ashadiabeticalertdogintraining