Hello everyone;
I was diagnosed to have diabetes type 1 since the age of 17, now im 19 so im proudly diabetic for 2 years.
My problem is concerning belly fat. I've always been skinny and no matter what i ate I still remained skinny. Right after my diabetes I started gaining weight slowly. From 52 kgs to 60 kgs made some difference in my body. Many people told me ur still thin. But what im noticing is that most of the fat is growing around my belly which bothers me a lot. I thought maybe I need to lose some weight and exercise more. I started developing this phobia from fatty and sugary food.
Right now Im around 58 kgs my height is 1'66 cms. SO HERE IS THE QUESTION:
Does insuline make u fat?
Is it the one responsible for my belly fat?
Does it increase the ability of gaining weight?
I dont have a huge fat belly but it does fold into rolls of small fat which scares me cuz i dont want to leave it and become actually fat! Never had belly fat before so how do i get rid of it without losing too much weight cuz i dont wana go bk to being very skinny. How to get well shaped flat belly and an overall healthy body?
What exercises should I do? And what the good cardio routines i can do?
If there's any specialists that can help me to control my diabetes and control my weight ill be glad to follow what they tell me step by step.
Thank youuuu :)
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