Losing weight question (type 1)

I would love to shed a few pounds. I am not bad off, but turning 40 my metabolism changed and well, I have a stomach that needs flattening.

Exercise. Got it. Makes sense and I do it.

That being said, help me with my thinking patterns. I am a type 1 diabetic. I take insulin to cover what I eat. So, in weight loss, the idea is to exercise and burn or use more than you take in so your body utilizes or burns off the fat.
But how can I exercise to burn off fat if in turn I just get low blood sugars. Of course if I go low, I need to correct it by eating.

I see how exercise can help me get fit and strengthen muscle, but in my mind, trying to lose weight is almost a losing battle.

How is my thinking flawed and how can I lose fat by exercise without constantly getting low blood sugars.

(type 1 30+ years. insulin pump. dexcom user)

I lost 40 lbs, some while on MDI, some while on the pump. Exercise is really easy with the pump because I just turn down my basal rates about 30 minutes before exercising. Sometimes I mistime it and still go low, but some glucose tabs or OJ are not too calorie heavy. I just add that to my calorie count and move on.

Also, I’ve found that when I’m consistently working out, my insulin needs in general go way down, so there are some adjustment periods where I’ve had to change my basal rates all together, or my insulin to carb ratios. It takes patience, but it’s totally doable.

got a puff belly?
might want to do a chia fiber and flax cleanse, just drink those fibers in lukewarm water at night
.. might also require a parasite cleanse, recommend dr klinghardt mimosa pudica protocol

slimming the interstial tissues can be trickier, has more to do with fat mechanics. if your flesh feels soft and easy to push around, id do a kidney support protocol, of a electrolyte water or a lemon a day in your water.. for exercise, i would do jjvirgin style burst training here

let me know if that helps

well, part of my stomach issues I think come from scar tissue. After doing 4 to 5 injections for almost 20 years, my tummy has basically built up a defense. But I also know some of it is just weight gain as well. I might have to look int your suggestions. Thanks!

ya, i do testing on these things for a living, weight loss metabolism and the physical issues look into cleaning out and deinflamming the intestines, if it's your belly.

the intestines are over filled, not cleansing out properly, and then for years they put pressure on the abdominal wall, which is supposed to hold a strong wall.. eventually you see waht hapens, the wall busts and spills over. belts play a major roll in reducing abdominal wall strength as well here.

I have always worn a belt too. LOL. hang my pump and my phone off it.
I can easily try the flax or chia. I do have a core workout that includes crunches (which seem to be not doing anything) to other various stomach workouts (haven't been doing them THAT long though)
I'd sure be willing to entertain anything at this point!
I appreciate your feedback Sam!

yup, ab workouts strengthen muscles, dont burn fat there, thats an assumption people make it.
all the best

so just your standard weight loss exercise program to lose that belly fat?

My belief is that you lose body fat by putting your body into a state where you burn fat. The best condition to encourage fat burning is when your body is demanding modest levels of energy and your insulin and blood sugar levels are low. This is the our natural state when we sleep and during much of the day. This brings us into Ketosis. And make no mistake, the diets that we are told to eat make us carb adapted, not fat adapted, making the natural transition to ketosis very difficult. So when we exercise, our bodies scream for glucose rather than just turning to fat burning. This makes it very difficult to achieve the metabolic conditions that helps us burn fat, and when you are insulin dependent it is even worse. Exercise when you are carb adapted and have insulin on board is a recipe to become a glucose chomping monster who cannot lose fat.

So here is my suggestion. Try to control your blood sugar tightly so that you can spend as much time as possible during the day fasting with really normal blood sugars (70-90 mg/dl). And during those times, be moderately active, like walking. Not exercise. Exercise to become fit, not to lose fat. You may find a lower carb diet really help. And as a final step, you can try intermittent fasting to increase the amount of energy your body is demanding from your fat stores.

You could also experiment with taking less insulin with a meal/snack if you are sure you'll be exercising soon afterwards. For example, I often bolus 3 - 3.5 units for my typical carbs at dinner. But will only do 2.5 units for those same dinner carbs and then go exercise.

thank you for the tips!

c. 2004 or 5 I was 275 lbs and am now about 190 (oops, I gained 5 lbs somewhere...) but I pretty much dropped the lbs by exercising more and eating less, I think mostly the eating. I think that it's useful to look at food as fuel for exercise as I find it useful to have some carbs on hand but it really takes a pretty small amount for me, and I'm not exactly "petite", to run 3 miles or 6 miles or whatever, like 8-12G/ 1/2 hour which will be about 3 miles at my pace. I've run faster (25 minutes today...) but not a lot and that's about the breakdown I've seen for me. If you have a pump, you can turn the basal down and get a pretty good balance but w/ shots, I think you sort of have to put in some carbs. I use skim milk a lot b/c it's about 8-12 G (depending on how much I drink...), it's fast and it has protein and vitamin D.

thanks for the replies. from more fiber to exercise and eating less it sounds like a plan. oh, and more proteins. What is a bummer is dairy is out and so is fish, so protein could be a little more of a challenge. For an IT nerd, I do get around at work quite a bit and don't find myself sitting behind a desk like others. I recently purchased a tread climber, so I'll be using that a bit now, so that should help out as well.
I have always "loved" my food. I have gotten good at eating whatever and being able to dial in on the pump to cover myself. I think I just need to scale back my caloric intake as a whole. I count carbs, but not calories. I need to concentrate on that a bit!!!
Again, thanks to ALL for the feedback!!

I'll copy this here as it is a reply really to all who gave some feedback:

thanks for the replies. from more fiber to exercise and eating less it sounds like a plan. oh, and more proteins. What is a bummer is dairy is out and so is fish, so protein could be a little more of a challenge. For an IT nerd, I do get around at work quite a bit and don't find myself sitting behind a desk like others. I recently purchased a tread climber, so I'll be using that a bit now, so that should help out as well.
I have always "loved" my food. I have gotten good at eating whatever and being able to dial in on the pump to cover myself. I think I just need to scale back my caloric intake as a whole. I count carbs, but not calories. I need to concentrate on that a bit!!!
Again, thanks to ALL for the feedback!