Diabetes Blog Post Poem

Fear Comes To Visit

he is out there
almost every day
standing at the end of my sidewalk
wearing a ratty old trench coat
and fedora hat
pulled down so I can’t see his face
lurking in the shadows

he wants me to invite him in
so he can tell me
over and over again
that I will die
a long, slow death
from diabetes

i do not need to use my imagination
for he
describes everything
in lucid detail


but today
i think I’ll keep the
lemon cookies and jasmine tea
just for myself
for i need not share them
with someone
who chooses
to devour
all the goodness
in my life

"devour all the goodness in my life".......exquisite imagery....Thanks, my friend...xx000

I think I may have seen this character lurking around my house as well. Creepy, great job Kathy. I still have goose bumps. Tell him to go away.