Diabetes education; Who taught you?

who contributed more to your education:
1-your doctor
2-your educator?
3-equally both of them?
4-You got your information yourself from different sites


I would say I learned a lot from my Endo, the internet and also I have a friend who is a CDE! I ask a lot of questions and if one can’t give me the answer I ask Tudiabetes or I research it on the internet! I always ask my Endo or CDE (friend) about the info I find on the internet.

I taught myself from research and I shared my research including where I got the information from my doctor and of course from people in here. Living with diabetes you have to be very proactive in your care as some doctors don’t have the time to do research so anything interesting I find, I make a copy and give to my doctor as well.

I never had a CDE. Most of what I learned, I had to teach myself from both books and the Internet. My understanding of diet came from previous experience plus books, and most of what I learned about lipid control, blood glucose control, glycemic index, and so on, I learned from the Internet.

I was responsible for most of my diabetes education. As soon as I was diagnosed, I went to the library and checked out every book on the subject. My doctor and CDE both contributed equally after that.

This is kind of a trick question.

Who TAUGHT me: doctors, dieticians, and my parents

Who EXPLAINED things to me: mostly Internet forums and newsgroups.

Who did I really LEARN from: Myself. Twenty-seven years with Type-1, and only I know exactly how I feel and how I respond to certain situations. Diabetes isn’t as straightforward as mathematics. We know that 2+2=4 all day, every day, for everybody. But with diabetes, the answers are different for different people, at different times of the day, and sometimes for no apparant reason whatsoever. Doctors can help me try to figure things out at times, but nobody knows how diabetes affects me more than me.

I was brought up in the care of a pediatric “team” of endo/CDE/counselor/dietitian, so I really feel like I have always approached diabetes as a team sport. I really try to diversify and know which things I need to go to my endo for and which things I need to ask my CDE. If it’s numbers, management, technologies, and diet (tedious detail) - CDE. If it’s symptoms, physical stuff, long term goals, A1C (overall health) - endo. There is a LOT of crossover, but I am glad I have both.

My music training was the same way. I had my choir director, my voice instructor, and my friends. Each of them contributed to my development as a singer, but in the end, it is me who has to make the music.

I learned the basics at diabetes summer camp. We had a lesson everyday for about two weeks on some topic, and at the end of camp, we took an exam, and people got awards for having the highest scores in each age group at the awards banquet on the last night. The last few years I went, I always won the award :slight_smile: That inspired my continued interest in learning about it as an adult. I’ve gotten some info from diabetes educators, and a little from endocrinologists, but as an adult, most things I’ve learned from my own research, both internet and books.

It just took me forever and day to find the motivation to apply all the knowledge I had to what I was actually doing, but that’s a different topic…

The best thing for me was taking a week long diabetes education course within the first month of being diagnosed. It included a doctor, nurses, counselor, exercise specialist, nutritionist, etc. It was a great beginning and I absorbed as much as I could. The next 16 years has consisted of my fantastic endocrinologist, nurses, and most recently, groups like this.

I was diagnosed at age 19 and had no insurance, so after my initial follow-up visit with the endo after getting out of the hospital I didn’t see a doctor for the next 11 years. I then just went to primary care doctors who liked to pretend I didn’t have diabetes because they had no clue how to treat it. A co-worker forced me to make an appointment with an endo 3 1/2 years ago (after passing out at work again) and that opened my eyes. I only saw the endo one time and have seen the CDE/nurse practitioner since. While she has been helpful, I honestly have learned more online, from fellow diabetics and pumpers and people who deal with this 24/7, not just 9-5 during the week.

Grecthen Becker’s book taught me everything I know about diabetes and forums like this helped fill in some details.

Your page , discussions and councelling to new members show that you are the one who get the information,top it with your experience and pass it beautifully to all of us.I always follow your comments

I think it is diabetes more than any other conditions that its management depends mainly on the person who have it. All endocrine conditions do not need that much effort on daily basis regarding education and information.

Why not to have a weekly TV show talking about daily experience of diabetics,problems they face and all that,sort of talk show produced in an interesting way.Fed up with shows talking about gossip and nonesence.Think about it LeeAnn,such shows will help diabetics world wideWe watch Opra and DR Phil here in Saudi Arabia on daily basis

Sohair: look up dLife. In addition to a Web site and social community, there is a weekly TV show dedicated specifically to life with diabetes – by diabetics, for diabetics. (Not that we couldn’t use a second, but…) check out http://www.dlife.com

I would say, number 2. My RN/educator is super nice and sweet.

I learned most of what I know by either finding it out myself or this website. I am not a textbook diabetic and my doctors did not know how to treat me. It has taken me 6 doctors and almost 3 years to find a doctor that knows diabetes. It also helps that one of her associates is a pump wearing diabetic.

4-You got your information yourself from different sites = 100%

I received a note from my doctor with my A1c of 6.5% highlighted and a written statement saying: Come back in three months for a retest.

I went to the doctor and asked for a glucose meter and prescription for lancets/test strips. I then took the advice of people from various forums to read Dr. Bernstein/Atkins - not to mention MANY other books. I am now working to control my T2 with diet and exercise alone.

Honestly, without everyone’s advice, I’m not really sure I’d be alive in another 30 years.


Definitely #4, from reading various books and gathering information in the OC. The doctors mostly just go through a routine medical exam, take blood and write prescriptions. I’ve recently changed my medical team, so I am learning more from my educator and nutritionist than ever before, but it is still mostly up to me.