Hey guys!
So im heavily invovled with the juvenile diabetes research foundation doing presentations on diabetes and workshop with kids and families with diabetes. This year, i am the youth ambassador for the JDRF walk to cure diabetes. I want my school to not only fundraise for the walk but also become more educated on diabetes. I know i’ve had some pretty interesting encounters. Anyways, im going to do a big presentation to the WHOLE school basically about diabetes, my story, my perspective, the walk and what they can do.
& So I’m making a diabetes educational video. What do YOU think it should consist of? What should be in it? Im thinking of having a bunch of people with type 1 diabetes in it, saying the lines, sorta split between all the people. If that makes sense! (: Also, i was thinking of having a rap by some nursing students at my school basically rapping about diabetes itself and the medical devices. But what should be said in it or shown?(pump, glucose monitors)
Im open to ALL ideas because i want it to be VERY educational but still fun to watch! Since i am very involved with JDRF and the Candian diabetes assosiation AND I want to become a motivational speaker, i want this video to be very well done and have all the aspects needed when educating another person!
THANKS! &tell me what you think and your ideas!
Well I don’t really have any ideas right now but GIRLL I am so impressed with you. What your doing is amazing I have just been emailing with my JDRF city counsel to find out how I can help out and plan on being apart of my towns walk this november. I hope someday SOON I can be doing something like you are right now it’s really inspiring the ideas you have are great I hope you’ll share your viedo with all of us here on tudiabetes or at the least me haha
If I come up with any ideas I’ll be sure to message you
Thanks Jamie! I’m SO thankful that I’ve gotten these opportunity and know its just a matter of building a name for myself and getting known. Try volunteering at the programs or walks that JDRF or the Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA) might put on! That’s a great start! Let your passion to make a difference and hard work show!
Good on you , kiddo …I want to Thank You for your passion !!
I have participated in 10 Team Diabetes events …good for my health and…our 3 million Canadians living with diabetes .
Please visit my Tu D page .
I like to suggest to connect through the link with Chris Jarvis ; maybe you have met him along the way . He is an Olympic Rower , Marathoner , MM pumper , Motivational speaker , Canadian and a friend !
Let me know, if this works for you .
The CDA’s website , front page is still profiling me , I noticed . http://www.diabetes.ca/
I was interviewed November 2009 in Vancouver …I was talking more in general …am not sure , if any of this is useful for your project …but have a listen ( to this 70 year old one )
Your project sounds like a great idea. The only thing running thru my mind right now in this regards is humor. Use humor to help the lessons stick. Maybe a spoof or roll play even a puppet show…sounds silly I know but humor helps people to relax and therfore open themselves to new info. Good luck! Jax