Diabetes Online Summit with Brian Mowll, anyone else attending?

Looks like a good selection of speakers. It's online and free to listen to each thing daily. They take down today's stuff within 48 hours. Right now, I don't have time to listen. When I logged in yesterday I saw there was the ability to order the whole thing for 47$. Very reasonable to purchase and listen too later. I think I can actually swing that in our tight budget on Friday, when I get paid. But then the email pops up yesterday afternoon. "Buy now and save!! before the prices go up to $77 tomorrow!!" Yep, get punished for waiting. Not only get punished, but make that a message of "We're ALL about the MONEY!" Way to make this diabetic feel like you really care, by doing what corporations and pharma companies alike, do... go for our wallet. Let's take advantage of someone who has a silent killer as a disease by bleeding their pocket book. Sorry, I'm not sure if anyone else felt this way when you saw that or not. Trying to look at it from a positive point of view, but I just don't see one. Yeah, I could still watch it all for free. I might get a chance to watch a few, with my family schedule being so tight, but I might not get to see it all. Because it just fell outside my budget now.

Since I'm retired I was able to watch all six interviews yesterday. I don't want to spend the money either but I found all the interviews informative and helpful. I especially enjoyed the Mark Sisson, Sheri Colberg, and Sarah Balantyne interviews. The quality of information delivered is very good.

If I spent $47 or $77 and actually acted on some of the ideas presented in just this first day, it would be money well spent. The theme of these interviews so far has been the low carb high fat, Paleo style of eating, with an emphasis on getting enough of the right kind of exercise.

Successful treatment of diabetes depends heavily on the knowledge learned and acted on. None of the concepts presented in the interviews so far are earth shattering discoveries. It's no surprise to me that diet, exercise, and good sleep continue to be the basis for good diabetes care.

I will continue to watch these videos and I'm thankful that they've been produced. I may even choose to buy them so that I can watch them again and harvest more of their great suggestions. I have no connection with these videos except as a person with diabetes trying to learn as much as I can to improve my health.

Thanks Terry. I appreciate the response. :)

You're welcome, Dave. I wrote a post about this event yesterday. Crickets ...

It does seem weird, doesn't it? I would figure more people would want to get into this event. There's a lot of people that have been discussed on this site, that are part of this Summit. One that I will make the time to watch, is Marc David. Loved his original book he released a long time ago. "Nourishing Wisdom" basically the Psychology of Eating. :) Read through some of the mixed comments out there too. Lots of bashing going on. That was kind of sad to see. I'm going to go look up your post from yesterday. It's been a long time since I've logged on.

Don't know why I didn't see this till today. Look! You can make money off of other people buying this presentations! Make money off of other peoples illness today!! http://thediabetessummit.com/affiliate/ become an affiliate! LOL sorry folks, its just comical and disgusting at the same time.

I'm not into watching videos that much. I have liked some of the ones on Tu but sort of prefer reading or posting, as I can listen to music at the same time. I'm a huge music addict. Vegas was like the longest I've been without music for a really long time, if only because I couldn't get the boom box in my room to work...

I hear ya Mike! :) I'd much rather listen to music too. I thought it would be nice to grab the audio from this event, since I drive 3 hours a day from Aurora to Des Plaines. :) But, I'll just go back to some good Sci-Fi. :)

A little late to the thread but I did purchase the Summit at the pre-start price of $47. The package includes audio-only versions as well as PDF transcripts. I normally do not watch any of the "videos" because 98% of the time, all they show is a split screen of two people talking (very, very few slides or any visual material of any merit). The purchased package only permits the downloading of the "high-res" versions of the talks but there are a number of free and paid applications that can download both the high-res and lo-res versions of the presentations. Even though I purchased the commercial package, I have also been downloading the low-res versions separately since the file size is smaller and easier to share with friends. I have collected lo-res sessions of all of the presentations to date using JDownloader, a free download utility (I won't go into the details of how to use it since the instructions are available online but may require some digging). There are a number of other free and paid download managers that are also capable of downloading or capturing video streams that you might want to explore. That way, you will be prepared to save sessions of future "summits" and not just the Diabetes one. For example, some of the sessions of the "Sex and Medicine" summit appealed to my niece who asked me to save certain talks for her (the latter is not hosted by InfusionSoft but a different vendor).

I've continued to watch these sessions each day. I've only missed a few interviews. For the most part they've been informative. They do try to make separate comments about type I and type II diabetes but sometimes they turn general in their comments and just talk about diabetes when I know they're really thinking type II.

I've also hung up on the term "reverse diabetes" that almost every interview has brought up in a favorable light. I don't mind them talking about "reversing the symptoms of diabetes" by I still think the underlying proclivity remains. To me it's a 21st century euphemism for the word "cure." Reminds me of snake oil salesmen. It's an unneeded oversell.

Is there a cure for type II diabetes? A cure where if the person reverts to poor eating again that they will not return to diabetic symptoms.

The emphasis is on functional medicine and getting to the root cause. They claim that giving insulin to a type II does not address the root cause of the disease, insulin resistance.

It's been thought provoking. It runs through Tuesday. I haven't recorded anything. I have taken a few notes.

The best interview I've seen thus far is Richard Feinman, the principal writer of the critical review: Dietary carbohydrate restriction as the first approach in diabetes management: Review and evidence base. Nutrition 31 (2015) 1-13

Thanks NutriJoy. :)

I watched Marc David, who I like and Tom O'Bryan, who is a Chiropractor. He doesn't live to far from me and is a friend of a friend of mine who is also a chiropractor. The Gluten talk was interesting by him. I've watched a few more too. I get really hung up on the "reversing diabetes" thing too. I also get miffed when someone in the comments says that Type II is our own fault. I'd believe that, if it wasn't genetic. Everyone in my family has it and not everyone is overweight. Can't seem to get folks to look at it any differently. I'll go and watch the Feinman one. If you haven't watched some from the other days, Terry, you can use the old links from the orignal emails and it will take you to those pages for that day. It shows as 0 time available, but the videos still play. Poor programming on someone's part. I don't think their QA team tested that. :)

Hi! I've been watching a couple a day but would like to go back and see some of the previous ones. Is that possible without buying the package?

I understand what you mean about taking advantage of people with diabetes. Their sales techniques are definitely not appropriate for the group. Of course, they do have to earn some money too - it was definitely lots of work but if they had just used the "order the videos at this price"(without the promotional, win this or that blah blah) that would have seemed better to me.

I've enjoyed watching these and the information they contain. I haven't seen any yet that talk about "curing" diabetes. Only saw in the introductions. Haven't seen all the videos though.

Thanks so much NutriJoy!

Hi Mari,

If you go back to each day's emails that were sent, the link for that day will come up with the time saying "0 0 0 0" on the availability. Just click on the button to go into each speaker, you can still view the videos. For some reason they didn't put any security around those links. But each day will take you to each day. :) I've enjoyed a few of the interviews.

I’ve watched several now and the truth is I’m surprised at how much I’m learning, I guess I thought I knew a lot after a year of trying to understand diabetes. I’m sharing them with the hubs too now that he also has to keep an eye on his blood glucose.

Thanks NutriJoy :)

Dave, this post is intended for you and was, in part, the result of a request from a friend who is a member of the local ADA diabetes support group that I joined last year. It was that member who asked me to provide her with a Master List of all the summit links. After it was completed (took far less time than I thought it would), I decided to post it here as well. However, the friend complained that it would be impossible for her to watch/listen to all of the sessions that she was interested in within the remaining time that the summit would be running. She absolutely can’t afford the cost of purchasing the commercial package due to being on a very limited fixed income. She knew that I had purchased the commercial package myself and asked if I would be willing to share my paid links with her (paid links remain active “permanently”). I felt that sharing the links would be a breach of my purchase agreement with the Summit operators and told her that I would only be willing to provide her with publicly available information. It is against my own personal ethics to share anything that would be a breach of DRM or licensing issues since there would be no way to control how that information would subsequently be used.

I wound up downloading and installing JDownloader on her PC, one of many apps available to manage downloads. It is Open Source software and is NOT a hacking or pirating tool; just a free but very capable download manager. I then copied and pasted the entire list of links that I previously posted above and it took just a few minutes to queue all of the sessions into JDownloader (that was last evening). We then spent another five minutes selecting which of the queued sessions she desired, activated the selected ones, and let the PC do its thing. I don’t know how much time the downloads actually took because I went home after that and she left her PC on overnight. This AM, upon arising, she said that all downloads had completed and were safely stored on her hard drive. For approximately fifteen minutes of effort, I thought you might be interested in doing something similar since you indicated that your own family budget was pretty tight. If that’s the case, you can download the JDownloader app from this link:
http://jdownloader.org/download/index (select the version that matches the O/S your PC is running)

I personally prefer the beta version (despite all of the warnings regarding betas and potential instability) but the latter only works with 64-bit operating systems. The 64-bit version (web installer) can be downloaded from this link:

If you do decide that you still want to download the free sessions, post back if you need any help in queueing the links and I’ll provide you with specific instructions. It’s a lot easier than most users realize but the procedure is not necessarily intuitive. It does not require much operator time or effort, however, and the session links do NOT have to be downloaded one-at-a-time. It is probably best to do it by tonight as session links can start to get erased after the Encore ones have been finalized/selected. In other words, Summit operators leave the links active because they will be selecting from those links the sessions that will be used in the Encore presentations. It is not necessarily a programming oversight or glitch on their part.

I was send a not from the admin last night that any links we posted were deleted. I guess, us sharing the links caused them to view it as a violation of TOS. I asked for an explanation regarding the decision, but no response. So, I guess I'll just let it be.