Hi! My name is Ruthie. I am a 47-year-old Mom of two wonderful middle-school-aged girls – AND – a doctoral student at Loma Linda Univ. After putting my now-ex-husband through medical school, raising our young daughters, and many other life adventures – I am now pursuing my passion of helping others through science!!
For my dissertation, I am researching how married couples manage diabetes, and what makes it harder and easier to follow the diabetes regimen including diet, exercise, testing, and medication. This is part of my dissertation work for my degree, so I could really use your help!! Even more important, the early findings are very exciting, hopeful, potentially very helpful, but I need more participants for these findings to be “significant!”
This survey is for married people, if one or both has diabetes. Your participation would be very valuable!!!
Hi Ruth - Just sent you a PM - and I’ll look at the attachments once I’ve heard back from you. I live in Canada as well - so not sure if this will disqualify me from the survey - seeing as you are from the US. Also, I see you’ve posted this in the Type 2 area - so not sure if this is applies to Type 1’s like myself.
Being Type 1 and from Canada – not a problem! I did put this on Type 2 just because we were looking for more Type 2’s, but still VERY grateful to have either. It is a study of married couples, at this time, so do you have a husband who’d be willing to participate as well?
Thanks so much for being willing to donate your time to this study!!
Thanks, I will check it out and hopefully fix that. In the meantime, I just emailed them to you – the surveys are in Word. I hope there is not a problem with those…!
My wife and I will be delighted to participate. I am a type 1 and have had the disease for 35 years. We have been married up for 32 years and thankfully Sheryl is not diabetic.
Thank you very much to you and your wife!!! That is wonderful of you both to take the time to do this survey!
Please let me know if you are able to dowload the files from this site. If your prefer, email me at research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com and I will attach the word files for the suveys that way.
Once you download them, simply indicate your answers by turning your choices red, or by marking asterisks next to your choices, or what ever is easiest for you. Save them as you go. Then email them as attachments back to me at research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com .
Hi, Kelly!
Yes, living in Canada is fine for this study. Thanks for your encouragement, and I’ll be more than thrilled to share results when I get there (in a few months!). If you and your spouse would like to participate, I would appreciate that tremendously!!
Thanks so much to everyone who has sent in surveys and to those who are working on them!!! I have received 6 of the 40 that I need, and 4 of these are from TuDiabetes. You guys rock!!!