Diabetes & Thyroid

x2 on your TSH comment Dave! TSH is actually a hormone sent to your thyroid gland by the pituitary… not even a thryoid hormone!
We need to prescribe and dose by looking at more things than just TSH

x2- the endocrine system does fluctuate and confuse!!! please dont forget that other endocrine organs affect thryoid- keep an eye on pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenals- they mess with thyroid levels!!

x2- many overwieght people (especially fat around the middle) have high insulin levels because they eat high carb diets

migraines are a symptom of thyroid issues for sure- blood tests dont always show thryoid problems. which blood tests did they take??
i have been researching a ton about this and can give you resources if youre interested!

What medication do you take for your hypothyroidism? Synthroid usually never works for anyone with hypothyroidism, it leaves everyone under treated. Synthroid messed me up big time and ill never take it again. Good choice getting off the Synthroid.

I was diagnosed with Graves Disease (autoimmune hyperthyroidism) about 25 years ago…I was given Radioactive Iodine to destroy my thyroid. I take levothyroxin which is a generic. I actually feel the best when my thyroid is a little on the high side. I have always been told by my Endo not to take the generic because it is the one generic that is not reliable from one batch to the next. But I can’t afford Synthyroid. I really would like to try Armour. A friend switched and she said she has never felt better. I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Autoimmune Hepatitis. About 10 years ago I was misdiagnosed as T2. After about 2 years of out of control BGs I was finally diagnosed as a T1 (actually T1.5). So i guess my immune system hates me. My dad died in his early 40’s from Addison’s Disease which is an autoimmune disease of the adrenal glands.

I have never linked BGs with my thyroid. But I don’t think I have ever had a problem.

good luck tony let me know how it goes! i hope the synthetic stuff works!

thank you for the website!

Hi Heather-

I’m interested. My fiance experiences major migraines. He used to get them almost daily. He stopped soda for a few years and stays away from all cafeine currently and it seems to have halped his migraines. He gets them about once every two weeks now. I still think it’s too much.

He’s seen a neurologist, but they told him they don’t have any “reasons” for his migraines. We don’t really have any answers.

Thyroid issues run in his family. His mom had her removed, his older brother has a low acting thyroid, and his sister has a low acting thyroid as well. Everyone in his family is overweight, but my fiance is actually right on target- maybe even a little under weight. He’s been the same weight for the ten years that I’ve known him- but I’m wondering if he has an overactive thyroid. I know an overactive one will eventually quit and cause problems.

Do you have any ideas?


I take Syntroid like thousands of other people who don’t have any issues with how it treats hypothyroidism. One must watch their dose and adjust it because your body is costantly changing. Same way with basal rates, cholesterol and bp medications. Just becaus it does work for you doesn’t mean that the medication is bad. What are you taking now?