Did my first post-Dx century ride yesterday

I was really concerned about managing my bg through all of that activity. Long rides are always an adventure and this was no exception, but no big crises. I tried to consume 50 g of carbs every hour. I am on MDI and didn’t make any basal adjustments. I checked my big at every rest stop and made minor adjustments. The lowest I got was 72 so I just choked down a little extra. A little extra planning and a little extra worry, but I’m glad to know it’s still possible.


Nice. Hope your overnight bg was okay!

Woke up a little low, but not bad

Congrats on completing a Century Ride!

I don’t think I could complete one of these, even without D! Happy to hear it went pretty smoothly for you.

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Congrats on not just managing your BG well through an extended exercise period but also, more importantly, for taking on a big goal and accomplishing it. Way to go!

Realize, if you don’t already, that your tactics for for this century ride, and others that will follow, will need to change as your needs will inevitably change. I would encourage you to consider adopting a continuous glucose monitor to help you. Being able to monitor your BG moment to moment will help you to respond appropriately and in a timely fashion.

Staying active is so important for good diabetes management. Good luck with future century rides.

Awesome!! :smile_cat:

I have a Dexcom but it is completely useless for this type of intense exercise. I think it has something to do with hydration. After 30-60 minutes, it shows in in the 50’s and a finger stick will say 105.

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That’s interesting. Dehydration makes sense. Happy riding!

Very impressed! My husband is an avid cyclist and I know how hard a Century ride is without having D! Great job. I’m struggling with exercise and BG values and I do love having the CGM. It’s not always accurate but I find the trending is very helpful. Also, you will start to learn/feel the signs of low sugar. I’m sure you’re aware of the Tour de France team (formerly Team Type 1). I’m sure there is information out there on what they use for management and BG maintenance which would be helpful since you’re in the same sport. Congrats again. I’ve never gone over 60 miles…did the Hotter than Hell ride with my husband many years ago. Let’s just say that he finished his 100 before I finished my 60:) lol

Wow! Congrats!

I can’t imagine doing this on MDI. I use my pump’s temporary basal rate @ 10%. Typically, I find if my BG drops below 70, my CGM will be unreliable for a good while, while the interstitial fluid gets “restored”. For me, I really prefer to have my CGM along for the ride because the trending is so valuable.

I use a Dexcom (Animas Pump) and dont really have any issues with the readings but you must remember that the reading from your Dexcom should never be used as a definite. I race in Grade racing in Australia and am on the bike for upto 3 hours. I use my Dexcom as a guide. I finger prick at the start and make all my calls as a reference to thart start point and I then use the trend arrows as a guide on when to eat or treat.


MDI riding is quiet a bit harder to manage than on a pump I always found due to slowness in being able to tweak what’s on board due to the basal. Technique wise throwing in a maximal sprint is always handy to activate the liver which will raise your BG without the need to take on fuel by about 1mmol (18 in american currency) which can prove useful too. Sounds like you did well on the carb intake which is always a key factor to keep the fuel coming in.

Dexcom wise, same for all CGM’s to be honest is that with them not testing the blood the delay between what’s going on in your interstitial tissue and what’s in the blood can vary immensely so really only of use to use for trends than anything else so you can tweak levels based on where you are going and not where it says you are as Liamb said above. Hydration doesn’t effect it much in practice, but hydration is one of those things you always need to keep up.

After a ride it’s usually best to hit the food pretty quickly also, usually in the first 20mins or so so that it can be in your system in the 2hrs recovery window after a ride like this. Can really deplete your reserves otherwise and your body will be playing catch up later on and really hitting you with the lows during this period.

Keep on riding, and keep banging in those miles :slight_smile:

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I’ve found cutting my basal by 50% will help with long distance training/races/workouts on MDI. It will avoid the morning low the next day. Congrats on not letting D get in your way!