Do you get better results using different sites?


I recently got the Omnipod (45 day trial). One of the major reasons I am considering it is because there's no tubing and the increased flexibility with infusion sites (I used to have Medtronic).
I tried using the back of my arm as an infusion site.

BUT// it didn't work very well (arm area). My BGL were a lot higher than I liked and got a bit of bruising from it. I also feel like I followed the instructions to the T (photo attached).

The abdomen area seems to be the best, although I did get a bit of bruising and the effectiveness of absorption really decreased on day 2.

I've attached some photos of the bruising on both my arm and stomach area. NOt sure if the cannular is too long or if I should try a different fast acting insulin (currently using Humalog).

If you've had success with different sites. Please share where you have the most success and any tips for using as the infusion site. I've listed sites below. I think this could be a very helpful resource for other folks too.

Thanks in advance for your comments / feedback.

Insertion site? Successful?
Back / Love Handle area?



2186-arm.PNG (295 KB) 2187-stomach.JPG (115 KB)

Hi, been on Omnipod for almost 3 years. Minimed before that.

In short, yes I have much better adsorption in different areas. I never use my stomach anymore - that's just personal choice.

To address each specific area :

-Stomach - have only used a couple times with Omnipod. Pretty good absorption.
-Back/Love Handle area - yes, very good absorption.
-Arms - my favorite place to put my Pods. Excellent absorption.
-Buttocks - never used
-Thighs - use upper thigh. Good absorption.
-Legs - put it on back of calf. Hit or miss, but when it hits it's very good.

What I've found is that since the Omnipod gives you more flexibility re : site choice, it's a bit trial and error.

Good luck.

Thank you. I am trying my love handle area and so far I am having better responsiveness than in my arm.

My diabetes educator that started me on Omnipods stated that arms and legs will always be better at absorbing insulin due to the higher amounts of muscle tissue (i.e. more blood flow). I kind of prefer them on my abs though, as it makes it easier for me to sleep with them that way. But I do rotate between my arms and abs regularly, and to my legs once in a while. I usually end up bolusing a bit more when it's on my abs.

I've been using the omnipod for about 5 years. I think it's very different for each person as to where is the most comfortable and most effective site absorption. For me, my abdomen has by far been the most consistent and best site for absorption. I do have bruising, however, at times. Nothing you can do to stop that. It's just going to happen sometimes. I like the abdomen because I sleep on my side and it doesn't interfere with that, and also because it seems to be the most "out of the way" spot where it won't get bumped. Sometimes my sites can get pretty tender so I need to keep it in a place least likely to get knocked around. I've tried it on my arm and it didn't absorb very well, and actually had multiple occlusions. My upper thighs didn't work very well either. My back did ok absorbing, but it wasn't comfortable sleeping with it there. It's just trial and error. Whatever works best for you. I'll keep trying other spots though. My abs can't handle the pod forever.

I have put my pod on my outer thighs (good but overused), upper thighs (bad), lower back (good), upper back and side (good), calves (bad day one, good day 2,3), triceps (was good, overused), stomach (eh), forearm (good on both), both sides from below underwear line to underneath brastrap (good in any area). I currently rotate between forearms, side and lower back, both left and right. Been a user since 2008.

thanks! I haven't tired the forearm..

Thanks! I am also finding the bicep area to be the best in terms of absorption followed by my abdomen – I try to avoid the abdomen as that's where I also place my dexcom sensor.

I'll have to try my legs. Haven't done that yet. But my arms seem to be the best right now.

This is super helpful for a new user. I never did MDIs in my arms, so my pod tech called it virgin territory. I like them there, but it sometimes gets in the way of certain exercises (weight training and/or yoga). I like the idea of the stomach, but wasn't sure how far up I could go and my previous placement was in the way of tights and various waistbands. Happy to know I can try higher up closer to the bra line.

OMG Boy do I have some differences. My right lower stomach is unbelievable. I have to shut down completely or at least do a -15% temp basal overnight. My left lower stomach isn't nearly as sensitive.
It's wierd. My thighs seem to be the worse.

really! I was noticing that my basals were shooting up and I was wondering if there would be a site that would require me to lower them. Interesting, thank you