Do you write poetry? Introduce yourself!

This is for you Renee,the kindest heart,the lovely mother,the great poet and the sweet friend.May God bless our area with lasting peace

Join the great contest my dear friends,do not miss it

How do you join the contest?

Drips from a poet’s pen…

Life here is not as intended

Yet I wait patiently

For the Creator to mend it

Words echo pain and despair

Between each line

Love flowing totally unaware

Cries of joy dripping with misery

Watchful eyes gaze

At the corpse lying infront of me

Life here is not as intended

Yet I wait patiently

For the Creator to mend it



Diabetes touches us all in different ways on a different level at different times…My father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and while still allowed to manage his diabetes alone, he went into a diabetic comma on December 21…December 28, 2008… He died…I’ve written two other poetic expressions please visit my blog on my page…I would love to have you share your poetic expressions or other ArT forms with me at ~ Cool Breezes ~
Thank You

View my page on Cool Breezes

I’m so so very sorry to hear of your dad’s passing…my heart aches for you. I too lost my dad to diabetes complications. You are in my heart and prayers…I just wish I could give you a real hug…take care sweetie, and stay connected.

~Just Me~ … I read your comment about your father’s passing and was touched by your poem on this forum. It is very sad how these two conditions combined lead to unwanted resulted. I am sorry to hear about your loss.

Hi…where do I post my poem?

Welcome janie,
You can start a discussion and post your poems there

Welcome Mel,your poem is stunning,wish if you leave it here for all of us to cherish and enjoy.You know that the contest for collecting poems for a poetry book published by Our Diabetes Hands Foundation to advocate for diabetes cause.

On the edge of time is my favorite,whenever I read it,I cry.That is flowing love…

October 5th was the day
the day my life changed in every way
only 2 days before my birthday
and I was told this day

you got Graves Disease
but that wasn’t bad enough
you also have Diabetes
now it is really tough

I have to teach you so many things
get out your pen and paper please

this little machine will now be your life
keep it always with you
so you can keep a watch
poke and test it will tell you the rest of what you need to know

98, that would be great
i ring in at 588
588? could it be

now here comes the rest
this is the real test
measure your insulin
you need all deep within
throughout your body the insulin will flow
for your pancreas will no longer go

don’t take too much or you’ll be low
don’t take too little or that will show
either way could cause you death
so keep it right and you’ll keep up with this fight

another thing that the nurse has to tell me
shots are less painful in your belly
many shots a day i do
prick poke prod and at least 4 shots too

morning noon night and night again too
not just novolog but lantus too

there is so much more you’ll need to know
as time goes by you will learn what you need to know
i understand this is much to learn
try to find somebody with the same terms

you could teach each other so many things
with lots of help you will learn to eat right
cupcakes and brownies are out of sight
instead here’s some broccoli and veggies alright?
get those carbs out of your house
they will haunt you I know
but eating right on your meter will show!

thank you Sohair for telling me about this poetry club. it is such an awesome way to express deep feelings and share stories with everyone. i thank everyone that has made entries that are so beautiful to read. i cry at almost every single one. they are so touching and hit so close to home. thank you again, Kelly

In response to the questions above…
I DO support the idea of a poetry book
YES I will participate and allow my poems in the book
I DO think that poems should at least mention diabetes, hence a diabetic poetry book
I think photos and poetry would look beautiful together. Some gorgeous photos to lift people up. Colorful photos of natural wonders. Waterfalls, rainbows, flowers, sunshine, horses, children, laughter…
My suggestion for the title of the book would be “Diabetics Poetic” or vice versa
"Poetic Diabetics - A View From the Inside"

Hope this helps in any way

Thank you for joining us,you welcome.The No added sugar contest was a way to collect poems for our first poetry book.Of course it has to be diabetes oriented,and I leave it to Manny and the commitee to decide for next step.

You can start your own page here,and write about any thing you like,diabetes or not.This club is visited by many people from all over the world.
Hope you will enjoy,and post more of your lovely poems.

Welcome Robert,you made my day.Waiting for all your poems,old & new.Delighted my dear.

Renee,what a beautiful contribute for your late colleauge

From Hedi Suissi,a great tunisian poet:
Diabetic coma ( classic arabic);

نـام خلق الله وأٌذّنَ للـفجـر فـي الــسـحر
وأعيا بدائي ويٌعيـي اهلـي فـرطٌ السهر

فـإن رأيتنـي مٌـلقى فلا تـظنن انـي نائـم
فهـي غيـبـةٌ السكّـري قد تـخـدع الــنظر

لست اقوى على الـحراكـ لوهـن صحـتي
وعـفو الله فقط يـنقذني من هذا الـسقر

واعيـا بـعلتـي ويٌعيـي أطبـّتي شفـاءهـا
والالــم يٌـرخينـي كـأوراق يلفضها الشجر

وكـم علـلا تسبب فيهــا ظغط الـسكـري
فلا الـجرح يشفى والعين قد تفقد البصر

وأٌحقـنٌ كل حين كانما ماولدت لغير الحقن
وجـسـمي غدا كمرمى الرماة لوخز الابر

ولست أطعم من الدنيا حلوا ففيه منيتي
وحـميتـي كـالانـعام لا ترعى غيـر الخضـر

أخشى ويخشى طبيبي ان يصيبني شلل
فربما ينتهي الامر الى ما هو انكى أو أمرّ

فتراه يٌـصارع موتي والموت يكاد يصرعني
وتراه لاهثـا مبتسمـا إن تجاوز بي الـخطر

فـالحمـدللّه على مـا أصابنـا وان كـان داءا
وليعلم الناس ان الداءَ إمتحان لكل الـبشر

يٌمتحن اهل الداء بدائهم وذي المال بماله
وكلٌّ ما خلَـق الـلّهٌ إلى زوال تواريها الحفر

فمن كان لهذا الداء مؤازرا مٌـنعما ومٌواسيَا
فأن الله لن يضيع اجـرًا لمن يـفعلُ خيرًا وبرّ

فإنما المؤمن للمؤمن كـأخ .أو كيـد واحـدة
اذا شكى اصبع تداعى كل الجسم بالسهر

Every body went to bed
It was called for dawn prayer
My family, were lazy to wake up
Because they stayed up late
They thought the same of me
They did not realize
I was
In coma
Diabetic coma

My doctors cannot cure me
I can’t cure myself
Just my health is dropping
Like tree leaves

My vision is losing its battle
But not
My sight
It gets sharper
Every day

I live like birds
On leaves and vegetables

My doctor fears of neuropathy,
Leaving my diabetes control
To me
He wrestles my death
And feels triumphant
When he succeeds
To send it away

It is a test from God
To see how patients
People are
Rich or poor
All are tried
By God
Do not ask

Just be thankful
Or complaint
It will never get you
Any better

( here is my translation of the poem,written by famous tunisian poet for us )