Doctor Issues!

So right now I'm pretty ticked off at my Dr. So I go in the other day because I still don't have a correct diagnosis. He still has me as a type 2 and I think I'm type 1 and so does my CDE. So I asked him, hey is there some kind of test I can get to see which type I am. He starts going on about how he basically doesn't think it matters what type I am. That if I was type 2 the medicines would have worked (which they didn't) and if I was type 1 that I would be on insulin (which I am) but he wouldn't go right out and say it about which type I am. Also about how the tests wouldn't help much it would just give me "information" uh yeahh thats supposed to be a good thing right? So I'm pretty upset with him...then he starts going on about how he has to see soo many patients and then he went and lost a chart of mine from the eye doctor which wasn't too big of a deal because the eye dr. had said my eyes were good. I mean my dr. is a nice guy and yeah he does have to see ALOT of people, I'm sure he is overworked (it's at a health dept. so... ) I don't know...he just kinda acts like I don't know what the hell I'm talking about like I haven't studied up on this disease at all. All the stuff he was telling me I already knew... I just think it's important that I know which type I am... Right now in my heart I believe I am type 1 and looking back thru my life it all kinda makes sense now... so I'm done with my rant now...I just thought it was all a bunch of bs. Some good news...I get my pump on monday! (I know I keep saying it in every blog But I'm starting to get more excited! Tonights my last night on lantus :)

You could maybe change doctors and tell them you are Type 1 and you would be good to go. If your treatment fits with a type 1 treatment plan, they would probably just go with it.

I’m wondering what age you were diagnosed. Usually, not always, type 1 is diagnosed when you are younger. I was diagnosed when I was 17. My brother was about 23 when he was diagnosed. also, did you drop a lot of weight before diagnosed? There is a test that will tell if your pancreas works anymore which is a test that has to be done before you are permitted to go on the pump. I don’t know the name of it. Type 2’s pancreas’s still work but type 1’s , depending on how long you have been diabetic, work much much left if they work at all. For example mine showed that it doesn’t work at all. I will try to find out the name of that test for you.

But…those are not good excuses for the doc not to answer an important question for you, insist for an answer. It’s a yes or no question. Is there a blood test to tell the different yes or no… If yes tell him you want it. Stick up for himself no matter how busy he is… You are just as important as. Any other patient.


The teSt is called c-peptide. Good luck

Well, if you are hoping to get a pump, proper diagnosis can make a huge difference to insurance coverage. Some require that you get a c-peptide test to prove you don't make much insulin. In reality, your doctor may not feel competent to interpret the tests. Most GPs only get a day or so of training on diabetes and a low has changed in the last decade or two. The current best practice is to test for antibodies (GAD, ICA, IA-2), a positive on any one indicates an autoimmune attack. If the c-peptide it essentially confirms a T1 diagnosis. It still requires some judgement, as only 85-90% of T1s actually have a diagnosis confirmed with these tests, that is why many see a diabetes specialist (an endochronologist) for diagnosis. So a second opinion from an endo is probably a good idea.

4 yrs ago i had gestational diabetes then about a year ago i started loosing a bunch of weight so they put me on metformin for a couple months which didn't work, I was still loosing weight and my numbers were really high like 500's so finally they put me on insulin like 6 months ago and my numbers are alot better @bsc I am getting a pump (tomarrow) :) so I'm not worried about that but yeah I think Im gonna see if I can get in with an endo or something...I just hope they are covered b/c I am on medicaid

btw I'm 26 now so...had gestational when I was around 22? But looking back when I was younger I was always tired laying down alot...I thought it had to do with depression but maybe all this time it was diabetes...i don't know for sure but it seems like it...i also used to have problems with wetting the bed till i was 16! so... yeah lol

Many LADAs were first misdiagnosed as T2s. It happened to me. One reason it is important to know the type is because it may lead to quicker diagnosis of some other issues. For example, learning I was T1 compelled my endo to check out some other things and indeed we found some other autoimmne issues (Hashimotos, RA). As BSC recommended above - have your doctor run GAD65, ICA, and IA-2. Those results will tell you if you are a T1. Insist upon it.

I agree with BSC and Donna. Insist. Or seek another opinion.

A nurse educator told me a long time ago that Diabetes is like pregnancy, in that you either are you are not. There is no middle. So your doc is sorta correct in that sense. It just depends on the treatment you need, not what type. Pumps are great, you'll feel a lot better with the better control.

You definatley need to see an endocrinologist and I’m pretty sure Medicaid will cover it. Good luck.

Well im on illinois medicaid and the only requirement was that I had done mdi for 6 months and my doctor thought I should get it

I realize that katie

Hi Shayla: I wrote a blog on autoimmune gestational diabetes that you may find useful. SO MANY women here on TuD who have Type 1 diabetes were first diagnosed as having gestational diabetes. Welcome, you have come to a good place!