Hey ya’ll! Hope everyone had a great weekend! I need some MAJOR help if at all possible! In the past 7 years I still have not been able to find an endocrinologist who can keep up for feels comfortable with my aggressive diabetes! I was hoping someone here could possibly suggest a doctor who is comfortable and knowledgable with sever neuropathy, retinopathy and gastropareseis, in the state of Texas? And my knowledgable, I would like to incluse more than just textbook smart but who can really understand. I would be so more then greatful if anyone could suggest anyone! Thank you all and hope all is well!!
Where in Texas do you live? I go to Endocrine Associates of Dallas.
I recommend posting this question to the folks in the Southwest/Texas group:
as well as doing an advanced search for Austin.
Hope this helps!
Jessica, I just went to Dr. Terry Exstrum(endo) with the Dallas Diagnostic Associates in Plano,Tx. It was my first visit to him, but he seemed very good. I have been on oral meds since 1991 at age 38 and was put on Novolin R and Lantus in 7/07. The Novolin R was swithched to Novolog in 9/08 to have faster,shorter acting insulin but too many crashings. Dr Exstrum thinks that I needed to try only Lantus with oral meds so he added metformin to the actos and glimepiride that I was already on. It has worked well so far.
Dr Exstrum and I discussed that there is no “Bible” of medicine and every doctor one goes to will have their own thoughts.
Good luck. Maybe you have some insurance that rates the doctors and or a diabetic nurse consultant. It may be difficult getting someone to give your their opinions, but also try talking to diabetic educators at your local hospitals to get their opinion on the best endocrinologists around. Maybe with some networking in this manner you can connect to a doc that solves the “mystery” for you.
My current endo is the best I’ve ever had - Audrey Miklius. But her offices are in the Dallas & Plano areas.
I go to the same doctor as MelissaBL also … the website is http://www.endocrineassociatesdallas.com/ She is awesome and has tried so many things to try to make life easier and to get blood sugars under control. It’ll be a bit of a trip to see her from Austin.
Small world, Jess!!! Isn’t she wonderful?
My friend Janet switched to her after another doctor (who we were both seeing) told her that she’d never be able to have kids after 30 years with Type 1 and would not be a candidate for an insulin pump. After Janet switched to Dr. Miklius, she got herself a pump, brought her A1c down, AND got pregnant. I practically leaped to Dr. Miklius’ office. And I’ve never looked back.
Even my ophthalmologist goes to her! Dr. Miklius referred me to her and was also able to refer me to a fabulous podiatrist. She has always been supportive, can always recommend which CDE in her practice would be the best fit for me, and is SO patient. She got me my CGM and has cleared me to start trying to have a baby. She left me a voicemail telling me my A1c was “absolutely fabulous” and to call her when I get pregnant.
She is awesome! I’m happy to hear how much she has helped you in getting ready for a baby. I’m not to that point in my life yet, but definitly want to have kids someday! She referred me to Mitzi, and I’ll be seeing them both when I come home for spring break. and Congrats on the A1c!!!
I too have used Dr Miklius. She is awesome! Unfortunately after an insurance change she is not covered on my new insurance.
There is also another endo by the name of William Fears that is in the Dallas area and he too is fantastic. I have been a type1 diabetic for almost 40 years so I have seen a ton of endos but those are the only two I would recommend.
I also go to Endocrine Associates of Dallas…they have an office in Dallas and Plano,I see Dr. Sorsby I have been going to this practice since 1992…have been very happy with Dr. Sorsby…I moved to the area in 1992 and was reccommended to him and he has taken great care of me and also is up on the lastest in the world of diabetes. Cindy W.