Does a cold or the flu make your sugars go nuts?

My sugars have been in the 90’s-100’s for the past two weeks. REALLY GREAT! :slight_smile: Now all of a sudden I have a cold & I have tested in the 200’s more than usual & its making me really upset with myself. BUT I am taking my insulin correctly. I even over did it a few times this week & dropped down in the 50’s. YIKES!

absolutely when you’re body is fighting off illness you can experience high blood sugars

Mine also run higher when I am sick. I figure its the stress on your body trying to fight off the sickness. Also a lot of cold/flu medicines can raise your blood sugar.

Ooooohhhhh yes. High, high and more high, for me. Even worse is the low-grade sinus infection that you don’t know you have. When I’m sick, or fighting getting sick, I have to do a lot more insulin to get the same job done.

Good luck, and feel better!

Definitely. I’m fighting off the beginnings of a cold right now, and all of the sudden I’ve gone from perfect blood sugars to lots of numbers out of range. I hope you feel better soon!

Thanks everyone! I was really hoping that’s what it was! Good luck to everyone getting this NASTY cold. :frowning: I have watery eyes, runny nose & sore throat/cough. But I am feeling better today. Still not 100% over it but better! :slight_smile: