I'm looking for a long term (30 days or more) place that teaches a healthy lifestyle. There are many resorts and spas that cost a ton that would do really well if I could afford it, but I hope to find something that won't cost too much.
or maybe there is a scholarship to a health resort?
I think that if I had 30 days of eating right and exercising it could become a habit. At the very least I would have a good idea of what I should do and not do. I'm fairly new to type 2 and am stumbling around in half dark trying to figure it out. A bit of a professional assist would be really great. A sort of jump start.
What a great idea to attend a health camp! Green Mountain at Fox Run in Vermont is a great program that focuses on the whole person, but I know it's not inexpensive. They're about a lot more than weight loss, and have offered programs specifically for people with diabetes in the past. They're at www.fitwoman.com Have you looked into a diabetes education program in your area? I know it's not a camp, but it's a good way to start learning more about diabetes. Some states have diabetes summer camps for kids; you might contact your state American Diabetes Association and see if they have anything for adults.
thanks for the info! I've been to a couple of one hour classes, but it's hard to change your whole lifestyle on academic learning, I learn better by doing. and the whole, it takes 3 weeks to make it a habit thing is real. I do ok for short periods of time, but can't seem to make it a lifestyle. I will keep trying, thanks!
oh, I also think a meditation type retreat may do as well. They do that type of diet and do some walking meditation and mindful eating and such. Plus it's usually much cheaper, so I'm looking into those.
If you're talking about Green Mountain at Fox Run, I would call them and ask what they can do to help you learn more about managing diabetes. If they can't teach you about eating for diabetes, look into a class in your area. the combination of the two may be really helpful.
Since your needs are pretty specific (diabetes management, healthy habit formation) you might want to consider partnering with some other Type 2's in your area, studying some books together and practicing the habits you want to acquire such as exercise, meal planning,carb counting, etc. That way you could support each other and make learning fun.
My wife and I have been looking at Hilton Head Spa / Resort. They have a couple of different length of stays. The week long one that we were looking at was something like $6K for both of us. They hit diet, exercise and mental stuff the whole time. The curriculum looks pretty cool but who knows.
there are a lot of resorts like Hilton Head, but that one does look really nice. It would take me a year to save up enough to go, but it may be worth it. thanks
that would certainly be the cheapest way to go. I have a lot of books- some of them conflicting (vegan vs low carb) and I live in the boondocks so finding people may be a bit hard. But I appreciate your effort to help.
I'm beginning to think everyone who is not rich is supposed to just change their entire lifestyle on their own. We all know diet and exercise are the two new years resolutions everyone breaks. Why am I expected to manage it without real help? not to be ungrateful- it is nice to know their are other people out there doing the same thing.
Here is Joslin information: This is the Boston location there is an affiliate in California.
This four consecutive day program is a chance to tune-up your diabetes management. It is for people 18 and older with either type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes, whether you were diagnosed years ago or just recently.
It provides a combination of individual attention and small-group education with the focus on you—what you need to do to get on and stay on the pathway to health. DO IT features Joslin’s state-of-the-art medical care and diabetes education: daily physician visits, and small group and individual sessions with certified diabetes educators (nurses, dietitians, exercise physiologists and social workers).
A Specialized Diabetes Team
Your DO IT team consists of an endocrinologist, an exercise physiologist, a registered dietitian, nurse educators and a social worker. You’ll start by meeting with each specialist individually. You’ll have a physical exam and lab work, and we’ll take an image of your eye’s retina. After evaluating your needs, the team will work with you to design a personalized nutrition, exercise and medication plan.
You can request (or a DO IT physician may recommend) a consultation with specialists in cardiovascular disease, obesity, insulin pump therapy, eye care, diabetes and pregnancy, diabetes and aging, sexual function, mental health and disorders of the feet. These consultations are not included in the costs of the DO IT program, however.