I’m looking for somewhere to go as maybe an inpatient. I cant remind myself to do everything everyday. I hardly ever check my blood sugar or even take insulin. I’m in sulin resistant so I’m on two insulins plus pills. I want & need to loose weight. I just eat whatever and drink anything. I like to be a normal teenager. When I do that I continuously have to pee, several times to the hour and I just feel so tired and weak. I don’t have a support group. I guess I’m just calling myself too lazy to do this. Any tips/suggestions for me? Any rehab or retreats?
Hmmm, I'm not sure about places for inpatient. They would probably be in a bigger city but they had one in Champaign, IL, where I used to live. A lot of them would require a classification beyond diabetes, to incorporate some sort of mental illness, because they tend to have requirements, sometimes tied to insurance coverage and, for that sort of thing, an insurer might require that you try some other things (pills/counseling, maybe both...) before they'd agree to cover inpatient treatments. There's a couple of people who've mentioned having good experiences with inpatient D education so hopefully they'll turn up and share what they did and where they did it.
Camp might be interesting, if you are in that age group. I was dx'ed at 16 and didn't really do the best job figuring it out, or figured it out on my own and came to the same conclusions as the diabetes industry but did a really haphazard job of it. A lot of people I've met online had awesome times at camp and many who are older are going back now to work there. It seems like it takes the stigma out of D since everyone there has it and it's supposed to be a ton of fun.
Tu is also a great resource and I think that if you ask questions about what to do, we will be able to tell you but the answer will be to test, maybe write stuff down and how to make changes and do all that stuff. Maybe that seems really abnormal, in terms of normal teenage action but I think that the normal teenage action will be a lot more fun if you don't have to pee all the time. That's not a good recipe for long-term success. When I was younger, I figured I wouldn't live until I was 40 but, when I was about 37, I saw several obits for guys not much older than me who'd died whose obits listed the JDRF or ADA for "donations" which was kind of grim. It got me going on exercise and being healthier and, amazingly, it worked and has given me huge incentive to keep my BG in line. I control diabetes so it doesn't control me. You can do that but you have to do the work. I don't think an inpatient center can change that or make it easier. I think Tu may be able to help do that more quickly and more efficiently if you can decide you want to figure out how to take care of yourself more effectively.
I see you live in Indiana, so you might want to check out the programs offered at IU in Indianapolis. I am not personally familiar with them, but the description sounds like both inpatient and outpatient services are available.
here is a link.
IU Diabetes education
Another option might be the programs offered by Integrated Diabetes Services. They have on-line courses, and also 'coaching'/education 1-1 (on-site and remote). Gary Scheiner, author of Think Like a Pancreas runs this website and programs. If you haven't read the book, Think Like a Pancreas, that would be a great place to start.
Integrated Diabetes
I have seen previous posts here on TU from members that have used Integrated Diabetes programs, and had positive things to say.
There have been a couple video sessions here on TuD, with Gary Scheiner, and if you check under the Media option, you might find them. Not sure how long they stay online.
You sound overwhelmed, trying to remember to remind yourself about everything, every day. Start with small goals, like testing your BG every morning. Keep a chart, or mark a calendar if that helps. Then add more things one by one.
You need to take your insulin and pills, so find ways like signs on the fridge or cupboards where you get your food.
How about changing your self talk from 'I want to be a normal teenager' to 'I want to be a healthy teenager, full of energy, not tired and weak'.
Ginger Vieira is a member here who's an author and also has coaching services she does one on one. I'm not sure how much she charges. I'm friends w/ another member (theonetype) who's used Ginger and posted pics of results on FB, etc. that area really good. She has a sense of humor. Her book "Your Diabetes Science Experiment" is a very useful book, with a lot of spirit and humor. You could probably reach out to her and she'd be very happy to discuss the situation, what she can do and what would be involved in working with her.
I agree that Gary Scheiner's "Think Like a Pancreas" is a very good book as well. It was hugely influential on my brain, as I got going on improving things. I don't do exactly what he says, as he's an advocate of logging, but the way he approaches dosing and adjustments is very valuable.
There was an episode of intervention where a young man went to rehab because he was not taking his insulin and testing appropriately . not sure what facility he went to.
Have you read Dr. Bernstein's book Diabetes Solution? Going low carb is a great way to loose weight for many people and it will all help your bg control too. I found that was the only way I could control my bg.. I eat around 50g per day now. I hope you find a group or someone to help you. At some point if you keep not taking insulin it's going to be a disaster most likely and I'm sure you don't want that to happen, nor does your family and people here at Tu.
I think many people experience what you are going through. Part of this journey is overcoming the D'Nial (yes, that is made up word) and coming to accept your diabetes. You need to get your head around the idea that you have diabetes and while that makes you different than most other teenagers, everyone is different and having diabetes doesn't make you "not normal." I think a summer camp would have been great for you, but I suspect you are too old. You could certainly go to a sports camp like that offered by TeamWild. Perhaps you could also get involved with a local diabetes group, even a Tour de Cure (there is one in Indianapolis).
And finally, you could visit a place like Joslin which I believe offers a week-long integrated program. It may also really help to work with a team that includes a psychologist or therapist who can help talk you through the whole mental thing.
I like Dr. B a lot, there's ton of great info in that book but I don't think he's a great fit here. He is too strict and ascetic. I also think that he's wrong as I get decent results on > 30G of carb/ day but I'm a very small sample size.
I agree with previous suggestions. It's hard. We've all been there. It helps to know that you're not alone. In my experience, living with D gives you certain limitations, but also forces you to develop certain strengths. Good luck.
p.s. I'm wondering; are there any good books on T1 from a female perspective.
I totally wanted the exact same thing when I was younger - someone should get on that. Like a drug rehab facility except for diabetes. Sadly I never found anything.
Hey AR, I lived in Champaign for several years too! UIUC alumnus?
Yup! 1985-2009, w/ a short break c. 1990
Holy donut hole batman, you spent 24 years at UIUC? Did you get your degree or just do the animal house thing.
Would there be a person in your town , with whom you could connect with and would mentor and coach you along either by phone or in person , preferably one who understands the complexities of diabetes ,both mentally and physically ??? Another type 1 , pumper ???
Maybe you are not lazy , however you may not have found the right fit for you ?
I have a great deal of respect for Joslin Diabetes Ceners:
Joslin Diabetes Center
Affiliate at St. Mary’s
3700 Washington Ave.
Evansville, IN 47750
Joslin Diabetes Center
Affiliate at Floyd Memorial Hospital & Health Services
1850 State St.
New Albany, IN 47150
They might be a starting point of your personal needs. Nancy
Ye Olde Donut hole! I have 2 degrees!
In 4 years thank you, LOL, I found various jobs and hung out there afterwards. I only did Animal House for maybe 10-15 years?
Thank goodness, I worried that you might have turned out just like me.
Nice! I was there for about 6 years, moved away a couple years ago, only one degree though
Well, that may be true of course with her particular concerns-I just thought that she can consider a low carb diet if she hasn't tried that already. I don't follow his dietary recommendations completely or do 30g a day anymore- I eat berries/yogurt etc. but no grains now, I can't remember if he suggests not eating those anymore. It is possible to go low carb without being ascetic :)