Diabetes Retreat / Weekend for Adults?

I know there are tons of camps for kids but is there anything for adults ? Is this something anyone would like to go to ? I'd love to do to a weekend of week retreat that combines exercise and cooking and maybe yoga somewhere relaxing . I'm based in Ireland but am wondering if there is anything like this anywhere ??????

Nope...they just give us (LADA's) a sack full of samples at the clinic and send us on our way.....I think the only words of encouragement I received was...Man up... you'll make it...you can always tell a "old newbie" at the clinic by his/her sack full of samples.

I,m ready for a retreat...I wish someone could watch my "Bete's" while I'm gone for a week of two...that would be Top's.

Hmmm maybe we could try get our local agencies to set some up !! Should definitely be an option with like dietician, personal trainer, doctor, nurse, councellor etc. And yup no worrying about anything !!

The Joslin Diabetes Center tried to put together a cruse one year but I have no idea if it ever actually materialized. There are many programs and retreats in the US but there mostly for profit company's that focus is on T2's.

Ask at your D clinic next time. I know in Donegal there are tons of things organised for children, but I dunno if there is anything for adults. Maybe they could start something.

I like the idea. The only way I've been able to associate with other diabetics in a social setting is if I go to a kids' camp as a counsellor. I did that for a week back-to-back summers. I'm in Alberta, Canada.

It would be great going on a cruise where you know that healthy meals will be served, and the staff will recognize lows, etc.

The Denver chapter of the ADA hosts monthly meetings of adults with type 1. In the past, they have scheduled walks and once, a weekend ski meeting in the mountains. I've not had a chance to participate in the activities, although I try to make it to the monthly meetings.


For most of us, it might be a matter of starting such a group on our own. Put the word out at health clinics, doctor's offices, metabolic centres, etc. It could be a monthly support group that meets for coffee and perhaps progresses into camp-like or vacation activities.

Although it is only a US organization (at least for now), perhaps something like InsulinDependence would be good. They have lots things like wilderness events and group expeditions.

Diabetes Sisters in the US sponsors "Weekends for Women."

Hi All
I think it is a case of trying things locally. Sounds like there are a few options in the US. I think it should be standard for caring and patient education. Its so stressful having diabetes and would be so great to learn more, improve your skills, meet local diabetics and yup have a team who will make sure you're on the right track !!