Diabetes Camp for Adults?

I just read a fabulous article in Newsweek online about a triathlon training camp for Type 1 diabetics. The article is here
In case the hyperlink doesn’t work…

I think that is an amazing way to motivate, learn and share with others, but I don’t think it has to be limited to something like athletic training. I know they have diabetic camps for children, but what about for adults? Obviously not like camp for kids, but instead maybe like a convention or retreat. Would you be interested in something like that?

I would love to go to a conference/retreat with workshops on the topics that we discuss here. We could have low-carb cooking classes, yoga, discussion groups for pumpers, Type 2 and Type 1, newly diagnosed, etc. etc. Only problem would be that we come from all over the world, so where would we hold a retreat? My husband jokes around with me about opening a bed and breakfast for people with diabetes, because I spend so much time in the kitchen, perfecting my recipes. We live in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire, great place for a vacation.

Absolutely. I’ve often wondered if there was such a thing. In some of the diabetes magazines I see ads for “treatment center” where you go as a sort of “inpatient”, but, that reminds me or substance recovery.

I too have wondered why they don’t have a diabetes camp for adults. Where are they? I only hear about the ones for kids. I’m type 2 but if someone combined a camp for type 1 and 2, I wouldn’t mind learning everything I could about both types. Yeh, hospital diabetes centers are good for classes, but it would be nice to have ‘some’ fun while learning. Just to be around people who ‘know’ would be really great and lovely for depression! How fun for me NOT to hear “WHY do you HAVE to eat right now? Can’t you control yourself?, What is that thing? A palm pilot? Let me see!, Does it hurt when you stick yourself?” and on and on . . . . .
East coast and west coast adult diabetes camps would be great in the U.S. and camps in other countries!

I think it’s a fantastic idea. Adult-onset Type 1 seems to be the group w/ the least support. I would love to get together w/ others who were diagnosed as adults to be able to compare experiences and those who were diagnosed as children to learn from their vast knowledge. I would be totally willing to shell out the funds and give up the vacation time to go.

As a side note, it would also be nice to have a support group for adult-onset type 1.

I agree “inpatient” is way too hospitalesque. I certainly wouldn’t want it to be a place which makes me feel like I’m “sick” before I even get there. That’s why I like the word “retreat”.

I am curious as to the topics people would be interested if an adults with type 1 event was to be held? I agree that the adults with type 1 tend to be overlooked at many of these events, and I have read with great interest the transitioning programs (e.g. how to transition care from children to adults, as many pediatric physicians won’t treat teenagers, and often their care gets put by the wayside in the process) developed by some doctors at Johns Hopkins. But there are many, many issues that adults face, including finding a specialist with skills in treating adults with type 1 (many specialize in type 2, but have had little continuing medical education (CME) credits since they attended medical school decades ago.

Any ideas or thoughts on what you’d like to see covered if something like this was organized?

This would be great if there were such a thing . I am planning on meeting a few people from another message board at the ADA expo in Chicago next spring , holding a retreat around something like that would be a good idea bcs you already have the expo for part of the gathering .

I would love to talk about what to expect from your endo, and how best to communicate with the doc. I agree that when it comes to endocrinologists and treatment of adults, it is always geared more towards type 2 treatment. Also, issues with insurance and ways to negotiate around red tape over things like continuous glucose monitors. Rainbowgoddess listed many that I’m interested in, especially topics of exercise, family life, and in managing in a working environment. I also think many people seem to be developing type 1 as an adult, and adjustment at this age is never easy. It would be nice to have topics along those lines, since most of the literature about handling the diagnosis is usually about children. I would also love to see topics raised about new research and treatment options, since not everyone’s medical teams are on the cutting edge. I think it is important for the patient to know about what is going on so he/she can become their own advocate. Really there are just too many things to list them all.

I would go to diabetes camp just so I can meet other diabetics, even if the only program is finger painting… I love to finger paint, although I don’t do it professionally.

As someome who spent the majority of his life at a great diabetes camp, I would love to go to one as a participant. I think educational & medical sessions are key, but also a great way to be a kid again and have alll sorts of fun recreational experiences…time to just escape the daily grind and meet new folks. I hope if it ever comes to fruition, that I’m on the mailing list!



Hmmm, it seems like there isn’t a whole lot out there about being diagnosed as an adult (though the one exception I have found is at www.realitycheck.org.au/diagnosed.htm .)
Back on the topic at hand: I’ve worked at a diabetes camp after having been diagnosed about eighteen months earlier - it was a blast. I would be willing to organize the arts and crafts tent, I’m a fabulous tie-dye-er and hemp jewelry designer. Maybe a holiday long weekend (say Labor Day or something similar) would work well…

I agree. Some diabetes stuff would be nice, but if that’s all it was, I probably wouldn’t go. I have enough of that every day. Now lots of fun activities where we could be “kids” again. That would be fun!

YES I would it sounds like it would be inforamitive and fun. Everyone of the Type 1’s could share their experances and maybe help other Type 1’s find out what NOT to do!

i would love to find a diabetes camp for adults… i’m 57 wear a pump and need to get away from work and be brain washed into thinking and living in a more healthy manner. do you know of anything?

There’s this place, but it’s kind of focused and formalized:


Overall, I think a camp for adults would be a lot of fun.


That is such a great idea, even if it is open for the whole family, and there could be groups of Type III, and kids, with different activities going on simultaneously, and others for the whole family. I would be very happy to participate myself! :slight_smile:

I wish I could go… and bring 6 noisy kids with me? sigh… It would cost a fortune. On the other hand; my experience with “support” locally has been a group meeting to say “Look at how young you are.It’s your fault you are type2.” I walked in having learned more from Tudiabetes than I did from that group of "knowitalls."
I’m glad I have my Tudiabetes family. I wish we could meet up inexpensively somehow. It would be so cool to meet my biggest support.

I’m on board. If it ever happens, we should have it in the Midwest so everyone has a fair shot at getting there. I know there are a lot of East and West coasters so a “meet in the middle” would be awesome. Maybe we should just get somebody to organize it for us? We ARE adults after all. I’ve made a list of things we would need already:

  1. Outdoorsy Camp with Lake and Hiking Trails
  2. Diabetes Specialists
  3. A Menu designed by a Diabetic Nutritionist
  4. Medical Speakers
  5. Arts and Crafts
  6. Recreation!