Does getting angry raise your BGs?

I just lost several hours worth of work (fracking computer), and had a bit of a temper tantrum… and now, 1 hour after eating (about 1 and 15 min post tantrum), I’m way higher than I should be. Miscalculating the food? Or the tantrum?

Stress/ anger can raise BG. Breathe deeply in through your nose and exhale in a controlled manner through your mouth for a while

Stress and anger does raise the blood glucose levels! I know that because it happens to me too! Anger, frustration, late for an important engagement … it all adds up!

I find that with computers it is better to throw them out of the window and have done with them! Seriously, I do understand your frustration and your blood glucose levels will be a temporary blip. Try saving throughout the programme next time. I wish you well.

Maybe it can have an effect(very small one), but if you are low dosen’t matter how annoyed you get , you shout eat some fruit :stuck_out_tongue:

Stress, anger, and being scared all raise my blood sugar. My blood sugars are often the highest when I’m in the doctor’s office - I was 216 there last week and once before I was 300. They always tell me at the doc’s office that fear/being scared does not raise your blood sugar and I tell them that they are very wrong. It does for me, and it seems to do the same for other people as well.

Yes! Being nervous makes mine go high too. I guess that could be lumped in with stress. Stress/nervousness/angry/crying/panicing/fear - all make my BG go high than food does.

I wish it was just the food.

It doesn’t bother my blood sugar, but it sure wreaks havoc with my blood pressure. They don’t understand that, either. Luckily I take my own blood pressure a couple of times a day, so I know it’s ok.

yes it dose because when im trying to test myself in the morning i cant get any blood i see it is higher then days that i can test rite away

stress and anger do raISE the bs level,my Dr says no but being type 1 for 36 years i know it does!

Absolutely! Every time I have a job interview (nervous), get frustrated with work (angry), or have a heated disagreement (ahh loved ones), my blood sugar does rise for inexplicable reasons. Hormones are fun like that. Even with my CGM I haven’t quite figured out how to accommodate for it.

Maybe high blood sugar makes you angry :wink:

Adrenaline is the key factor because it causes the liver to dump sugar. Regardless whether you perceive stress or anger, it the release of adrenaline that spikes bg. I used to go sky high during college exams and I was only willing to conservatively bolus for it ahead of time because no way did I want to drop in the middle of an exam.