sugars up and about, Alot of stress going through a break up, could that do it?
=/ in a horrible mood.
Yep. Stress is the worst for BG. Sorry about the break up. Know how awful that is. Vent here & get that stress out!
Yep! Getting pissed is one of the those things that’ll raise your BG. I had a bad last quarter of 08. But luckily I installed a punching bag in my backyard, and now BOOM! that thing gets a Krav Maga beating everytime something goes badly. Before you know it, the pissed off HIGH because a LOW I need to treat, haha.
The consensus is correct, stress from ANY source, great or small, can significantly raise your blood glucose levels. But you must also realize the problem is also very much a vicious cycle. With elevated blood glucose levels come a wide array of further mitigating stresses, your own sugar spiked reactions to stress will further add to the pile and elevate blood glucose levels as well. Confirmations of this is easily evidenced through the “fight or flight” responses of the sympathetic nervous system. (I recently wrote about similar reactions on another forum) In these events, the body literally prepares for conflict, the liver releases glucose in greater supply as fuel for the body in preparation to either turn and fight or escape things the mind finds as conflict, a immense source of stress.
Break ups, domestic conflict, anything else the mind views with extreme discomfort will provoke these responses (As well as increased adrenalin and oxygen saturation of tissues) all in preparation to mitigate the source of stress (Fight or flight) even in the aftermath of the fight or flight.
It should also be noted that often the end result of such events is depression, yet another emotional response that will raise blood glucose levels and even “feed” that depression.
Anyone who has been diabetic long enough can attest to ALL of the above experiences as well as report added agitation and to significant extent even greater perceived emotional imbalance to include similar chemical fluctuations in simply recalling a stressor event.
Stress management being key to meeting that glucose onslaught on the body is without doubt required implementing what ever stress mitigating tools you find within comfort and reach, seeking removal from the situation, engaging in activities that alleviate stress, that do not remind you of the trigger event. Visiting with friends or family, performing physical tasks requiring moderate to heavy concentration such as doing things with your hands in some productive manner that produces visible results as you work. (Many a great person falls into eating as source of comfort, and voila! negative results in even greater BGLs, something to avoid)
In any event, these things happen and will continue to happen for as long as human beings are fallible, yet, be encouraged to “feel” and repeat, this too is a part of the human condition, which makes our being so very unique as well as worthwhile.
My apologies for the “Book”, I like to ramble.
Yep sure can
Sorry to hear about the break up and the stress! Hope that things will improve soon…
Just the everyone else said stress will cause your blood sugar to rise.
I am sorry to hear about the break up! It’ll be ok
Hey Kenny, I just thought Id let you know IM in the same boat as you. My boyfriend broke up with me last night (over the phone) after 2 years together, and a year and a half living together. Maybe we can help eachother get through this horrible time.
Kenny: Break-ups definitely raise the BG – just happened to me, too (sorry to hear about yours, too, Alisha). Mine was exacerbated by taking refuge/solace in just about any food I could get my hands on, which didn’t help the BGs, either. Focus on the little things. Life gets better again.