Earn a $10 Gift Card for Participating in a Survey!

We have changed the compensation for the Electronic Personal Health Records (ePHR) Adoption Study, and rather than holding a draw for prizes, all participants completing the survey will now receive a $10 Gift Card from Amazon. The original posting is shown below:

Hi, my name is John Laugesen, and I am a PhD Student at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. I have been a member of TuDiabetes.org since April of this year, when I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic (HbA1c of 6.1)

I am currently completing my PhD thesis work, which examines the factors involved in the adoption of Electronic Personal Health Records (ePHRs) by persons with Type 2 Diabetes. Don't worry if you don't know what ePHRs are, as the study will explain that!

The study involves participants watching a two video clips, and answering a set of survey questions. The entire process can be conducted online. The study has been approved by the McMaster Research Ethics Board, and has also been approved by TuDiabetes Administration for posting on this site.

The entire process takes approximately 25-30 minutes.

If you have already completed my earlier pilot survey in July of this year, or if you have already received an email invite to participate in this current survey, please do not click the link below, as you can only complete the survey process once.

If you (or someone you know) have Type 2 Diabetes, are 18 years or older, have not previously participated in this study, and are interested in completing this survey, please click the following link:

or contact me (laugesjd@mcmaster.ca)

Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey. We now have enough responses to complete the data analysis and therefore the survey is now closed. For those of you who participated in the survey, your gift cards will be sent to you in early to mid-December. Thank you once again.