I just have to break down and ask for help. I have been extremely depressed lately and, despite trying to help others out of the gloomies, cannot seem to get myself out of the muck and mire. Just yesterday, my DR yelled at me for lacking commitment to losing weight and keeping the diabetes under control. He said I don’t want to cooperate with the local Metabolic Clinic with what they want me to do. They want me to (1) journal what I eat; (2) eat no less than 3 meals a day; (3) do the “Sit and Be Fit” program on TV.
I NEED SOME VERY PESONALIZED HELP!!!I Despite my trying to help others by scaring them about what could happen to them with complications that I have incurred, I can’t seem to help myself. Pretty hypocritical of myself, huh?
I hate cooking! It is boring for one and also it is painful for me. If it can’t be put into the micowave, I really don’t want to do it! I don’t think that anybody can help me with that because I don’t have the funds to keep that stuff in the freezer.
I hate planning meals. Mostly because I don’t have a whole lot of the extra stuff that makes planning easy. I’m mostly the kind of person who goes to the fridge, opens it and stares in to see what is available for a meal. I also run out of ideas on what to do. I may be creative in some ways, but not this.
I hate writing down meals, carbs and when I eat. Maybe I could convert to the computer since I type faster than I think and my hands won’t get too tired!!
It’s not that I hate exercise, it’s that it is very painful… I have a number of physical disabilities that make it extremely to get any sort of meaningful exercise. Arthritis has set in on one knee and it is making me miserable; I have a grade 4 spondylolisthesis and that has made me miserable for 30 years; I have little or no feeling in my lower legs and no feeling in my feet which causes me to not have any balance. I fall very easily. So, you see, exercise is not a pleasant experience for me. (I sure wish I had an exercise program and a buddy to do it with!)
What I see through the depression is that, if I don’t get outside help, I’m not going to do it myself. And who better to get help from than the people who are going through it!! Not that the professionals don’t know, but they don’t KNOW!!!
Please, help me…somehow.
Lois La Rose
Milwaukee, WI