Enlite sensor costs

I just went to order some more sensors and they are now $140/ box. I don’t know if I can swing that a month with all my other medical costs. Anyone else have this problem. And that is with 60% being covered. I almost cried today my doc wants me on them as do I but we have only 1 person working right now while I am in grad school. Very disheartening. Last year Medtronic helped me out financially but you can only get that help every 3 years.

that’s cheaper than what I pay, now that I’m on Medicare. I have to self pay, and with a 45% discount from “list price”, I would pay $53.12 EACH, according to MM. That’s $796.80 every 3 months., presuming I don’t get more than 6 days out of each sensor. ouch!