To enter, just follow these steps:
Write a blog post on your page with no less than 200 words about your life with diabetes. Be creative!
There will be 3 groups of entries:
Group 1: Type 1 and Type 1.5
Group 2: Type 2 and PreDiabetes
Group 3: Parents, spouses and friends of diabetics -
Please be sure to title your blog post like this:
“LIVING with Diabetes Contest Entry: Group X” - where X is the group you belong to. -
Post a comment here telling us that you’ve entered, so we’re sure to check your blog and see your entry!
There will be 3 winners, one from each group. Each winner will receive a custom silver creation from Monsoon Artisans ( either a Leaf Message Necklace, a custom one-of-a-kind necklace or a custom medical bracelet made just for you!
Dates and rules:
- One entry per person, only. The entry that is up on your blog on September 1st is considered your entry.
- Entries will be accepted through September 1st, 2007, at 11:59 p.m. EST.
- Results will be posted September 10th, 2007.
- Winners will receive their prizes within one month of notification.
- All participants must be a member of
We’re all looking forward to reading about what it’s like for you: LIVING with Diabetes.
Wishing you good health and good writing,
TuDiabetes and Monsoon Artisans
(Monsoon Artisans is the custom jewelry business of TuDiabetes member, Beth Sobel.)