I won a Sugar Free Poetry Book in the guess when we get to 20,000 members! The book has not long arrived and I am so enjoying browsing through the poetry. I am thrilled to win too, thank you team Tu Diabetes.
Maybe this is the start of a run of good luck for me. I go to see an endo on Tuesday for tests on my parathyroid glands, one of which, or maybe more, have gone bad and are leaching calcium into my blood, not my bones. The dental abcsess is nearly dealt with (far too expensively since I have no insurance for this) and maybe soon I will be free of health problems apart from a couple of chronic long term illnesses of which T2 is one.
Hi and congratulations. I have a copy of the Poetry book and have given two as gifts. If TuD collects new poems and publishes another book, I’d try to write a cheerful poem to add! Good luck on your tests next week, and my best to Renae.
Way to go Pastelpainter!! Great calculated guess. A run of future Good Luck for sure hopefully. You definitely need to hear some Good News at your appointment. Sending you the Best Vibes on that.
Thank you for replying to my blog entry. I have been to the hospital today to see an endo and it is clear I have a bad parathyroid gland that will have to come out. I am on the wait list (another one!) for an operation in the near future. It is supposed to be a fairly minor operation with only an overnight stay in hospital.
Well, I’m Glad that they consider it a minor procedure. That must mean that they are skilled in this type of surgery which is Wonderful. It will probably be a short wait then. I’m relieved that your Endo found the problem. Thanks for letting us know and please keep us updated. Good Vibes sent your way.