So. I start on my OmniPod on the 4th, and while it may be a ways away, I have a couple of questions. I’m a member of a Collegate Waterski team, and I Slalom ski often (at least once a day in the spring and summer weather and water conditions permitting)
I wanted to know if anyone had any problems with the Pod coming off during waterski/wakeboard crashes? I’m looking for a lifejacket that covers the pod, but was wondering if that would be enough?
I’ve had trouble keeping my trial and saline pods on…
The instructions say not to submerge with the pod for more than 30 minutes. I never used a “saline filled pod” , I went right into wearing it with insulin.
Make sure you clean the area where you will put the pod with alcohol. It stays on ME very well.
But then, I’m not involved with water. I’ve stopped water aerobics (which is 90 minutes) because I’m afraid the pod will come off .
While waterskiing you are rarely submerged at all (at least not if you are good at it…) perhaps for a minuite or two before you get going, so I am not concerned with that. I’m more worried about the impact of a “fall”, which for me means a 30 mph hurtle into the water…
I’m sure I’ll work it out. If I do find that a fall will detatch the pod, I’m thinking that a neoprene back brace/ arm band (depending on where I wear the pod) should keep it in place…
I’ve been in the pool a few hrs with my pod on and it never came off. Guess I’ve been lucky. I always figure it never hurts to try at least once to get your own results, Good Luck
I’m not a Podder, yet anyway, I’m a Pinger, but… maybe try Skin-Tac-H. I think you’ll want to avoid the area where the needle goes in, but it’s stickier than just IV Prep.
Check back in the log for some of the earlier discussions about keeping the Pod on while participating in sports. I know if you wrap something around the Pod, that should help. Several athletes in this group have suggested various things.
For someone as active as you will be during the season, the Pod should work well for you. You may end up suspending or taking a temporary (slower) basal rate during that time, and that should help keep your glucose within “normal” range. You will probably have to do some adjustments, but overall I think you will be delighted with the results. I know that when I anticipate heavy, unusual activity (this time of the year, that means shoveling snow!), my temporary “exercise” basal rate really helps!
Maie, I agree with Sherry and Liz. I have knock my loose and use New Skin to stick it back in place it dries quickly and its clear. You can get it at Wal-Mart. I would use something like that along with some kind of cohesive bandage that sticks to itself. Maybe between the two you can keep your pod from coming off. Good Luck
I second the suggestion for skin-tac. That stuff is like glue. Also, I know that there are pro swimmers and divers who wear the Omnipod. Ironman triathlete Jay Hewitt wears his on his arm during events and uses medical antiperspirant on the area and other skin-tac-like preps prior to adhesion to keep his on…but I think everyone I’m thinking of wears it underneath their wetsuits.
P.S. I don’t avoid the area near the insertion when I use skin-tac or IV prep and have not had a problem.
While I don’t competitively ski anymore, I still take fairly rough falls. I wear my pod on my arm. I use IV Prep and rub the skin fairly hard.I let it dry somewhat, stick on the pod and then paint the exposed tape with IV Prep to somewhat waterproof it. In 4 years of wearing pods and countless hours (many times 4 or more at a time) in the water, I have never lost a pod due to water exposure. When you get a product approved you state what it designed to do and then test for that. Just because you state x feet for y minutes, that is because that it is what it is tested and certified for. It certainly does not have a considerable safety margin. As an engineer I see nothing inherent in the Omnipod design that would limit the time it can be submerged. Mine certainly has been under much longer than speced. Whats the worst that can happen, it fails and you replace it when you come out. YMMV Andy
My daughter has done kneeboarding and tubing with her Pod. This past summer was her first summer on the Pod. She got back on the boat and no pod. Yikes. It seems they deactivate automatically though. Maybe a big tegederm patch over the pod would help. Good luck!
This is my big fear. I’m thinking I’ll try wearing the pod on my arm when I start skiing again, with a coban wrap or a neoprene armband…but we shall see.
I’ll be sure to let you know what I find to be sucessful, so your lovely little girl can keep playing on the lake!
I’ve worn the pod to two water parks, and have lost pods twice. I find in the water park I’m good for about 3 hours after losing the pod before my sugars start creeping up. I think this is because of the extra activity and sun I get. Last time I lost my pod 1.5 hours before leaving the park and didn’t even consider putting another on until I was back in my hotel room. I’m going to try the skin-tac or something next time I go in the water for extended period of time and see if that helps.