One of my final thoughts before falling asleep last night was me wondering if your families have a big history of autoimmune diseases? My family, both paternal and maternal have various autoimmune diseases: thyroid, RA, Crohns Disease, to name a few. Is this true for some of you as well?
My great-uncle, myself and my son all have suffered from dermatitis, I have had problems with my thyroid which for some reason resolved themselves. Now I have T2 which can be auto-immune, although I have no idea if mine is the auto-immune type. I believe it is quite common to 'collect' auto-immune diseases (for want of a better word).
I seem to have various autoimmune and inflammatory issues (including T2). Have a history of sarcoidosis and have excema. Occasionally will get a fever if I spend too much time in the sun, stuff like that. I'm sure there's a connection.
no one in my family has any autoimmune diseases. The worst anyone in my family and extended family has dealt with is heart disease or lung cancer. I'm almost positive neither of those are autoimmune. There's a first for everything, right?
I don't know a lot about my father's family. On my mother's side though there is plenty. Thyroid, RA (several with these issues) and MS. A couple T2's and now me. My oldest daughter has RA and my youngest is hypoglycemic. I never gave any of this much thought until I began to understand D. My concern now is for my grandkids. I tell my kids to keep an eye on these issues and don't just ignore anything.
Mother and father diabetes, father type 1 adult onset. my brother is T2, I am T2 and my daughter is adult onset T1. All have allergies, I have menieres disease. My first doc said diabetes was not hereditory, got a new doc! Same things with menieres, my grandmother had it, me too! Also have severe arthritis..