Feeling Better

Well, today I'm feeling a little better, got started on antibiotic and prednisone yesterday. Yesterday I put on my shoes and socks all by myself for the first time since the hip problem, a big comeback for me. I also made all my own meals and did 2 loads of laundry - and I loved every minute of it, being out of bed is so great!

Today I will fold and put away the 2nd load of laundry, attack the dishes that have been stacking up for days and do some hall-walking. I'm also going to find the theraband again and get some arm stretching in.

Even though I'm still SOB and my back hurts from the stenosis when I stand more than a few minutes, it is GREAT to be out of the bed and living life again. I've never appreciated life as much as I do now.

I see progress Granny Sue. It is great to feel alive.