Me too. Guilty. The holidays are always pretty rough, even though I do a good job of limiting the food about 95% of the time. But this weekend was bad. I kept my bg in fairly good control, but still.
Not only is it snowing but bitterly cold. Even Dog was not keen on walk. We both pig out luckily on chicken. Dog does not like carbs a very smart creature.
No, I can’t say I’ve ever felt guilty about eating a ton of carbs. I tend to eat a lot of carbs anyway, and as long as I keep my bgl’s in a good range, it’s not a problem. I like food way toooooo much to follow any rule other than moderation most of the time!
Not snowed in in the Yukon. But it has been -30 to -35 celcius for several days, into the -40’s with the windchill. So we’re sticking to indoor activities!