Spring, really?

It seems that I have been in hiding all winter but I have just been busy. Kate & I joined the Anytime Fitness last January that is a 5-min drive from the house. We settled into a routine of MWF and occasional weekend. If felt good to be so active especially during the winter which is my worse time. It has paid off by lowering my A1c from 6.3 to 6.1. I usually rise a half point in the winter but I think the extra activity brought it down.

I don't test very often anymore. I am coming up to my 5-yr aniversary of diagnosis and find that I can feel my blood sugar level. I watch myt diet and keep active and just feel that the testing didn't tell me anything I already knew.

It has also been a year since I dropped starches from my diet. I have been eating more bread and potatoes lately though, but try to stay on the low-carb route. I guess I feel good and only have my feelings as proof. Cheerio.

Ya, many People hibernate and do sparse exercise during the winter. You bet that it helped to bring your A1c down. Good job. Your heart will also thank you.

Bread and potatoes shoot my sugars up, so I don’t eat much of that either.

I’m Happy that you are feeling Good Todd. Have a Great long week-end and enjoy that Spring. :slight_smile:

glad you’re feeling good