More Old Insulin pumps !! amazing um ?
Wow, thats amazing! I thought it was a rocket pack at first glance! lol
It is truly incredible how far modern health care has come.
WOW i had no idea
lol, I thought a rocket pack also!!! I am so glad the pump doesn’t look like that anymore
Nick Jonas?
souce:§io... Insulin pump therapy is also known as continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy or CSII. It was invented in the 1970s by people using pumps to infuse drugs that had to be given very slowly. Again the principle is simple. A fast acting insulin is placed in a chamber like a syringe which is fitted into the pump and connected through a long thin tube to a plastic needle inserted into the fat layer of the skin. The pump simply presses the plunger on the syringe very slowly. This delivers a very small, constant trickle of insulin at a pre-determined rate to provide constant background insulin. The wearer can operate the pump to deliver a short sharp burst of insulin whenever required – for example, at mealtimes. Over the years, the pumps have become smaller and lighter and easier to wear. New features have been developed – the latest pumps include computerised displays of recently given insulins, calculators that can help judge meal insulin doses, and displays for glucose meters.
i don’t know what is an insulin pump, can you tell me more about this? I’m using a novonordisk type of insulin (I’m not so sure of my medication’s name, lol) everything right now is modern…
Its a small device that diabetics use to suply insulin to our bodies like pancreas does. There is and small reservoir with insulin and a catheter , so the pump using one type fast action insulin supply our boddys with insulin requeriments.
Some pumps like minimed paradigm also includes a CBGM sistem and tell use an aproximade value of our intersticial glucose, see for more information about pumps wikipedia or go to
ah, ok…thanks 4d info…
thanks 4d added info…how long have u bin using dis insulin pump, and how many years have you been diagnose?
I’m guessing it held a lot of insulin.
I’m glad he didn’t have to use an original mobile phone while wearing the jet pack