I received my flu shot this morning and ever since then my blood sugar has been much higher than usual. My usual numbers are between 80-100 up to 130 after a meal. Now...it is over 200 and I find myself doing correction after correction. The leaflet I received with the flu shot didn't say anything about this possibility. :(
IMO, that's not a big suprise. Technically you are being "infected" with three weakened or killed influenza viruses. Anytime you have an infection as a PWD, you will likely run higher on your numbers. I'm actually glad you posted this because I know I'll be getting mine at work next month and can expect to run higher than normal.
Thank you for your response. I am glad to have an explanation that makes sense to me. I agree with your assesment of the situation. I ran a temp basal on my pump last night and my numbers 'appear' to be a bit better this morning. Ta.
Your welcome. Some people don't run high and some do. I'll try to remember to post back here after I get mine and let you know how it fares with my numbers. Just for fun!
Thanks Soooo much for Ur post.k. I just got my flu shot last eek, and this week I have been running fry high, without understanding why. I have been eating normally, getting a lot of excessive, sleeping well, staying away from all Jewish holiday carb-loaded/sugary foods. Been having fasting BSs in the 300-400s every morning, and then playing “catch-up” for the remainder of the day. I am making slight changes on my pumps basal rates, but with no success. My husband thought it was due to the shot, but I dismissed the idea. Now I am re evaluating everything. So, basically, I will have to ride this out???any suggestions for a fellow pumper?
I'm not pumping yet (it gets delivered on FRIDAY!!) but I would just treat this as you do when you are sick. Check BS constantly and adjust insulin usage accordingly. YDMV, of course, and possibly let your MD/endo know whats going on and what you are doing.
I can only tell you what works for me and please don't take it as 'medical advice'. When I have a sick day for example if I have a fever, cold or high blood sugars for no other reason: I usually run a temp basal from morning until night about 140% or higher if I need to. You must check your blood sugar often when you do this so that you will be aware of what the temp basal is doing. I have a Medtronic Revel, if you have a different brand of pump I don't know what they might call the same set up.
The reason I don't often run a temp basal at night is because that seems to be the time of day when I usually have lower blood sugar numbers, and I sure don't want to go low at night.
Congratulations Martoya (a little bit ahead of time). I hope you will enjoy your pump as much as I like mine. Just take it slow and easy and be patient.
Glad I read this thanks for the post, I am having my flu shot on Monday, I'll have to see what happens, but forewarned is definitely forearmed so I will be extra vigilant that day and make sure I have plenty of strips and extra pen needles.
i have been using the Metronic MiniMed Paradyme pump. i understand about the temp basal changes (i use that function 4 excersize) but dont U have a selection of patterns on Ur pump that allows 4 "sick" days?
My pump is Medtronic Revel 723 and it has a place for standard basal rate and then two more blank spaces and the pump calls them basal rate A and B. Unless it has some more 'secrets' that I haven't learned about :)
i have the same options on my pump as well. i was just wondering why U would bother w/ changing Ur temp. basal instead of simply changing Ur basal "profile" (like A or B), which is what i used 2 do B4 i went thru menopause (when my BSs were constantly changing from one minute to the ntx)
and certainly, if U have any more secrets 2 share, please do!!!! i always need all the help i can get.
Temp basal seems like a quick way to change my basal rates which seem to change every time I change infusion sets, especially during the transition from Spring, Summer, Fall and into Winter. Don't know where you live, but we have four very different seasons in the Midwest.
i live in NYC and we also have 4 diff. seasons. i have never heard of what U do w/ Ur temp rate after new infusion hook up, but whenever i change sites and refill my infusion set, my blood sugars go down slightly, as if they R happy 2 B moved. (maybe they think that they R on Holiday???) LOL
how often do U change Ur sets? I change mine every other day and rotate, rotate, rotate
I have to change my sets ever 2 days or they seem intent on making life miserable for me otherwise. I don't always run a temp basal after infusion set change. I usually wait 8 hrs to see what my sugars are going to do. I have a fair amount of scar tissue from my MDI days when I did not rotate as I should have. So now, when I hit a patch of scar tissue that doesn't give me good absorption, I use temp basal to see if that helps. If it does not, then I move the site. Always something to keep us busy with the diabetes right?
It is so cool to hear all these tips and things to watch for. I just got back from another CDE appointment. My PUMP START DAY has been scheduled! October 23rd is the day!
PS: Yall are the first to know!
i hated rotating b/c certain sites R sensitive and some r not at all. i am very thin, so i dont have that much body fat 2 work with. on this site, i learned about using my tushy which i thought was rediculous at 1st, but (no pun intended)has proven 2 B very comfortable and easy 2 push in the needle. and also, to my great suprize, it stays put, despite sitting on it, pulling my pants on and off, etc. so at last, after 11+yrs, i have found a wonderful new site!!! HOWEVER: my tummy looks like a mine zone of pock-a-dots from all the over-useage. and unfortunately, they r not going away. also, on my R hip, as i used this spot 4 a long time, i have developed a "love handle" of sorts. its odd. well, at least i am healthier now than B4 the pump. and i have NO desire 2 go on the POD at all!!!! ick.
i did however, have a 38 BS this afternoon.(miss judged my bkfst carbs) but aam now 140. it never ends! did U C the blog about "what would U do if Diabetes were cured?" the responces R hysterical. ck it out!
I just got a flu shot named Aflurio 2012-2013 syringe. Usually my blood sugars are high in the morning having the Dawn phenomenon. Since I received this flu shot last Friday, my blood sugars are much much higher in the 260 range. Usually with the Dawn Phenomenon it is in the 180's. I am a Type 2 diabetic. I truly watch my carbs at night so I guess like another lady, Daisy posted, I will have to wait it out.
i just got over the flu and can tell you i went through the same thing, too. i got the flu shot and ever so slowly did my BS start creeping up. one evening before dinner i tested and my meter simply read "HIGH" which i know is a sign that i am about a 600. a dangerous place to be. i was dying of thirst, unbelievably hungry. like you, i was taking correction bolus after correction bolus. nothing seemed to work. i was calling my endo every hour. i was really frightened. finally i made some changes in my basal rates and my bs became more managable. i was still high, but not "go to the hospital high." i was able to shorten the length of my virus by taking Tamaflu (which you MUST take immediatly, within the first 48 hours of onset) still, i felt like death. then one morning i started feeling better, and my sugars went down and back to normal.all i can advise is: be in touch with your endo, know that it will pass.allow yourself to be higher than usual without feeling like a frustrated failure (which is how i felt).
hope this helps. good luck!!!!