We got notice it is time for a flu shot. It seems early to me. I am a bit concerned it could be a worse flu season. I am a type2, 69 years old in a few weeks. When will you get yours? .Nancy50
I like to get mine in October, but I have a second shingles coming up and possible a third Moderna vaccination. I see my doctor end of September, I’ll see what she has to say.
I don’t see mine in November. I could ask her. Thanks,Nancy50
I plan to get mine around early November as they will be rolling the latest flu shot into the covid mrna and I only want to get one shot for both.
Got mine today on August 29. I suspect I will have another one to complete the year. Hey I cannot take a risk.
Oh by the way, I am immuno compromised and I had to be off methotrexate for 3 weeks in hopes the 3rd Covid shot will give me some efficacy. Since i have to be off MTX to get flu shot efficacy each year I decided to do it early. Call it two for one on the flu shot deal.
I always get mine because I caught flu one time and I decided I would rather take the shot.
My doctor bugs me about the shingles vaccine every year but since I never had chicken pox, I can’t really get shingles.
I think I got mine last August.
I think maybe @Terry4 thought it might have been a little early and that it might loose effectiveness by the time that flu was widespread.
I guess that’s a valid argument, but @Rphil2 seems to suggest that we can get a 2nd one later in the season if need be?
My doctor said end of September to get the flu shot. Nancy50
Yeah, I do think that timing your flu shot to coincide with increasing prevalence of the flu is important. But it’s not so simple as settling on a specific date in advance since each flu season is different.
I monitored the CDC website last fall and noticed that the prevalence remained very low in the early fall. In fact, it remained historically low through the entire fall-winter-spring seasons (Northern Hemisphere). I waited until October 31 to get my injection but I don’t think my timing had any benefit for me last year since the prevalence was so low.
Getting real protection from an annual flu shot is always risky, as the formulation of the injection is the experts’ best guess many months in advance as to which strains will circulate in the next flu season.
Even though actual protection from seasonal flu due to a flu shot ranges from low to high, I prefer to nudge the odds in my favor in any way I can. I will always avail myself to getting the jab and my play with timing may not matter much.
We had no flu last year in my area. I do follow our cdc flu numbers. My concern was also getting the 3 rd “ shot”. Keep safe. Nancy
Oh to be clear, I get a second one because of being immuno-supressed. I always look forward to the second shot (i am not teasing I do). It means i made it half way. Yippee.
I usually get my flu shot in early October so it lasts throughout the worst part of the flu season, but I will be getting it in September this year. Some of you also are thinking delaying the flu vaccine because you want to get the 3rd Covid vaccine first. That may not be your best choice. Here is what my husband and I learned from the pharmacist who gave my husband his third vaccine:
You CAN have both the third vaccine and the flu shot at the same time. Even the CDC says it is OK to do that. I grant you, he did not choose that since he did not want to “overload” his system, so I do not blame anyone who wants to space them apart. A two-week spread between injections should not “overload” anything.
Do not wait too long if you are over 65 and want to high dose flu vaccine. The pharmacist said that he figures CVS here in Wisconsin will be totally out of the high dose vaccine by October 1. That is why we will schedule our flu vaccine sometime in September rather than early October.
Wear a mask. Wear a mask. Wear a mask. The reason that the flu was practically non-existent last year in the US was that people were not associating in large groups, and many more people were wearing masks. I will continue to wear a mask this entire coming winter, even though I have had three Covid vaccines. (Being immunosuppressed due to medication, I still am below average for protection.)
Continue to avoid large crowds and close contact with those who may or may not be vaccinated. That will protect you both from Covid and from the flu.
Stay safe, everyone!
I usually get mine in late October just to get it to last the whole flu season. I may do the same this year but mainly due to the fact that I am still wearing a mask when out and about or at work. Those masks saved us from a brutal flu and top of COVID last year. I got my COVID vaccines later due to not being in a “high risk” group, so flu and booster COVID should be ok.
But I am a firm believer in any vaccine that will help keep everyone happy and healthy.
My doctor asked if I had chicken pox, I couldn’t remember. He did a titer test which was positive. So even though I have no memory of chicken pox I could get shingles.
So funny, I am the same. I never had the chicken pox as a child but when I was trying to get pregnant, I was tested and found out I did indeed have it. So singles vaccine will need to happen, but I have been told it is very expensive and not always covered.
@Sally7 Do check it out asap! If the shingles vaccine is not too terribly expensive, it will be worth it. A friend and I have both had shingles and it is HORRIBLE. A variety of nasty symptoms which can last and last. There are meds which may help if taken very early in the outbreak, but they are no cure and I imagine they too cost a lot. (I am in the UK so I got them free on the NHS.) Once you have had shingles you can have it again, so getting vaccinated is far preferable.
@Nancy50 , Mask up.
Because each of us is an individual, the only complete answer to your question about when, is your family doc. The rationale has multiple factors. I will play with a few:
[1] you are still young. I may need to check your ID to confirm your are eligible for the wine with your dinner out. OK, I was reared NEVER ask a lady her age. GRIN.
[2] if you have trouble with being too sweet (T2D), then there may be other hidden issues with your autoimmune system only your doc would know for sure how a flu jab would interact with you.
[3] which vaccine will you be given or which is recommended by your doc? There are 9 different vaccines released by the US FDA as of 2 September 2021. What is the duration, timing and all the other facts we hear about. Here is the list: Influenza Vaccine for the 2021-2022 Season | FDA
[4] which one will be given at your corner drugstore or walk in clinic?
[5] if masking continues, this will be a low flu year just like last year.
I have tried to demonstrate some of the best (feeble attempt at humor) thoughts available.
Hope this helps, Ask your family doc.
Thanks for the post! Laughter is the best medicine. Getting it next week. Keep masking up.Nancy50