Forgot a 200$ worth of insulin out of the fridge for 4days! Whatto DO?

Hi everyone.there has been a lot in my plate lately and wasn’t exactly in my best state.
I went to my routine check up and I had insulin prescribed to me. And we were moving from one house to another two times in ten days so everyting was a miss
when I moved my stuff,I took the insulin out if the fridge that belongs to house 1,put it with my stuff,then when we were in house number two,I put my stuff in the room I slept in,as if I wasn’t type one diabetic who supposedly carried insulin everywhere,when I started to pack my stuff,I noticed my teststrips,which was in the same bag my insulin was,which is the main reason why I didn’t notice before,insulin was covered by my appointment notes,teststrips boxes and such,naturally,I flipped,didn’t tell anyone because it wasn’t the fisrst time I do such a careless thing,in the previous two months,we went to Manchester ,and I forgot my insulin at y sister’s house,then when we were back,I forgot another portion of insulin at my brother’s house which I retrieved then forgot to refrigirate.
the problem isn’t money,one,insulin is provided for free here,two,I have an insurance which I sometimes use when I can’t get an appointment with governmental hospitals.
I feel awfully guilty,I know how important it is and it’s just so Much to bear,I would give up anyting to fix it,I can’t ask my educated either,I am applying for a pump and the last thing I need to be looked at is a careless patient ,which I really am not,as I mentioned before ,there is so much in mind to deal with other than diabetes,please don’t post mean comments cause it’s too much to take :"(
and thanks in forward :smiley:

Asma, many people store their open insulin at room temperature. The vial of insulin that I am currently using I keep out of the fridge unless it is really hot. Here’s a chart of storage of insulin at room temperature.

I don’t know how many vials you left out or what kind so you should check the chart and decide if it will keep for you. You could possibly call or go to your local pharmacist and ask them too.

Insulin is good out of the fridge for a month. I used to keep mine out of the fridge all the time when using shots. I used it up in less than a month anyway. The only reason I could see you needing to get a new vial is if it was exposed to extreme heat or if it froze.

I don’t think you’re being careless at all. You seem to have a lot on your plate right now and I don’t think forgetting something makes you a bad or careless person. It sounds like you’re doing as much as you can under a lot of change. Just remember to breath :slight_smile:

I have a horrible memory for things, so sometimes when I’m afraid I’m going to forget something important I text a message to my email, reminding me to do those things. Or sometimes I carry around a little notebook to write down notes to myself as reminders.

Bottom line though: you’re doing ok :slight_smile:

Hope this helps some,

It was to boxes of lantus,solostar.and some novorapid tubies that are installed in a novonordisk pen.
The problem is,Saudi Arabia is where I live,and in summer,it could easily reach 45 degrees in the afternoon.
The room I guess would be about 25 degrees.
thanks for your quick response. :slight_smile:

It’s nice of you to say that :"),thanks.
I guess I am going to try one of them myself and see what comes out of it.
As for reminders,I believe I have tried everything there is,I tried calenders,writing my routine on a small blackboard beside my bed when I had flue and my already using diabetic and hypothyroidism meds was too much to remember,but there is always a pill missing,an injection forgotton,electronic notes on my itouch,a small cute notebook in my purse seemed to work for a while,but I guess we have to depend on what god gave us for it can’t be replaced :slight_smile: .see,it’s perfectly understandable why my classmates think I have alzheimers :wink:

Please don’t beat yourself up & don’t feel guilty. We all do things like this. When I have questions, I call the pharmacist. They’re very knowledgeable & helpful.

My endo says that diabetics usually have bad short-term memory. Don’t know if that’s any consolation, but that’s my reason for doing dippy things:)

I agree, talk to the pharmacist. I would think it would be fine, maybe shortened lifespan of 4 days but it’s good for a month at room temp. I do know direct sunlight is bad. I also think the manufacturers are overly careful and say 30 days when it’s probably OK longer, they have to cover their butts just in case. The pharmacist will probably give you the manufacturers recommendation.

From personal experience, I have used insulin that has both been exposed to high heat and was accidentally frozen once, and it was just fine. It might have made it a little less potent, and not last quite as long, but it didn’t kill me or anything. If you aren’t going to or can’t get some new insulin, you’ll probably be fine to use the bunch you left out, just check your blood sugar more often to make sure it’s still working.

I was going reply to your comment, but I forgot what I was going to say! :wink: LOL

While visiting the US, I filled a prescription for Lantus pens (I cannot get the pens where I live). I was concerned about how to get the insulin home after 16+ hours of traveling, so I talked to an endocrinologist and a pharmacist about how to transport it. They both said I did not need to keep it refrigerated and that it was safe at room temperature. (Regardless, I still refrigerated it after I got home, only keeping the one pen I am currently using at room temp).

thank you Gerri,I really do feel better now after knowing that no one is judging :’'d
I guess I well,he knows better :smiley: .
yeah,and hypothyroidism people too,and I am both so you do the math. :slight_smile:

yeah,only to avoid legal problems,just like all of the scary side effects and such :smiley: .thanks for the advice,I will.

I can,I have 3 sources of insulin,but it just pains me to see my life-saver dying because of my carelessness,I will finish each of these pens no matter what,as you said,it can’t possibly be that bad,just a little bit less affective.

that’s really good news,thanks Anita for your help,I’m gonna try it as soon as possible and update :slight_smile: