Seriously. It’s a horrible economy and an even worse job market right now. You have worked in the past and paid money towards social safety net programs that benefited others. Now is the time for you to make a withdrawal. There is NO shame in taking advantage of a system that is designed to help you and that you have funded with your own money in the past.
The only thing I can think of is to tell you that they sell Regular insulin at Wal-mart for about 20.00. No prescription needed. Check with you MD to see if you can use this instead it’s onset is about 30min instead of 5-10 with Lispro. Other than that you can call a local hospital and talk to a social worker and see if they have any resource info to give you. call the local health dept too. Good luck, Denise
My doctor gives free “samples” of insulin, He just gave me 2 bottles of Levemir a few days ago. Can you call a doctor and explain the situation? Maybe they can help???
I know that not all doctor’s get samples anymore. My primary care physicans office doesn’t get samples like my ex-psych doctor’s office did.
You can buy Humalog/Novolog through Canada much cheaper then in the US. I buy in bulk of 10 vials at a time and it cost me about $335 or around there shipped.
Emmy , are you not covered under the Ontario Trillium Drug program or…?
and on the side …have you applied for the DTC ?