FreeStyle LibreLink
Now available for iPhone and Android* ( Yes I did say Android ) in Canada. Works great, so much better than carrying the reader around as well
Now available for iPhone and Android* ( Yes I did say Android ) in Canada. Works great, so much better than carrying the reader around as well
The Android version has been around for months
Works great
Not all android phones have NFC
I am thinking of buying Freestyle libre 14day sensor, but trying to avoid purchase of the reader unless it is absolutely necessary. Requesting some feedback from the members, if the freestyle librelink can initialize the sensor and help to track the blood glucose.
If you use your reader to start a sensor then you can use both reader and phone to scan, if you start sensor with just the phone then your reader will not work. Only phone
Yes - you can use the phone only as Kim8 stated, but for my wife the reader works much better
With our phone you have be exactly in the right place to get a reading.
Your phone must have NFC - not all phones do
The phone app is excellent