Friendly reminder about Daylight saving time

Did you have any trouble travelling with all your stuff?

Mariana, here is @DrBB fascinating story


ThatĀ“s just exactly what I was hoping to read. Thank you Marie, you were fast! LOL :wink:

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Fortunately not but it was certainly a concern. The area where the wedding occurred was/is a major heroin trafficking area, and I was carrying syringes as well as pens. Itā€™s also not an area Westerners normally goā€“we were the object of a lot of staringā€“so that could have made us targets of suspicion as well. My brother had warned me about all this, and my wife had a co-worker translate my Drā€™s note into Mandarin just in case but as it turned out it was never an issue. Most difficult was that we were delayed coming down from the mountain by rain and I nearly ran out of test strips. Iā€™d brought what I thought was plenty but weā€™d left the bulk of our luggage and things in our hotel in Mangshi. think I had one left at the end. Between crazy-high carb food and higher-than-normal activity just to walk around in this mountain village, I was testing a lot more than normal.

Thereā€™s a video of the wedding night dancing on the thread @MarieB kindly linked to above (thanks!), but I took quite a few more of the whole experience. Theyā€™re on my YouTube channel if youā€™re interested.

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I still remember the reaction of a pharmacist in Montmartre when I happened to mention that I have been known to use a lancet more rhan once. I wonder if the poor man ever recovered.


I wonder how that guy would have reacted if he knew I sometimes take insulin intravenously. Probably would have had a heart attack on the spot.

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