Don’t forget to set your clocks back to Standard Time this week end.
November 2 Daylight Savings Time ends.
And don’t forget to change your glucose meters and pumps.
Don’t forget to set your clocks back to Standard Time this week end.
November 2 Daylight Savings Time ends.
And don’t forget to change your glucose meters and pumps.
Thanks for the reminder! In Europe, we already changed yesterday! So I’m one hour closer to you in the USA this week For some reason, the time change always happens one week apart.
I forgot the pump and meters last time–duh–for about half the day…thanks for the reminder!
Anyone else hate it when this happens? I have trouble sleeping anyway and the time changes in fall and spring always disrupt my sleeping patterns for several weeks. I don’t know why we can’t just move the clock a half hour in each direction and leave it the same all year!
Thank you for the reminder! My Granny use to call me every year to remind me, but she is no longer here:(
They do that in India!
You all need to move to the lovely state of Arizona where we stay on the same time all year round. One less diabetic hassle to deal with
No daylight savings in South Africa either!
I love the winter change. This one hour plus on sunday is always great. I set the new time (-1 hour) in the morning and then I try to shoot my Levemir insulin 30min earlier than normal. This way the distance between the shots is two times 12h 30min and the next day everything will work as usual. With Lantus you would need two days with 30min steps to prevent a 1 hour gap in your basal profile. But this is nothing new for the professionals here.
We already changed in Europe - and I forgot to change my meter (or to be more exactly I did not remember the keys to enter the settings
My meter probably won’t change as that would mean reading the directions to do so.
YAY!!! one extra hour of sleep. I’m still trying to figure out how to set the time on my meter, i’ve been using my clock to keep track of times
I already did (Europe), I wonder if that one hour affects my Lantus. I was high for no reason yesterday before dinner.
Hmm, the day of effect depends on how you switched the time.
If you switched time on sunday just before the injection and waited for one hour more then the effect would be only visible on sunday: 1 hour gap in the morning => high in the morning on sunday.
If you switched time after the injection on sunday then you would have injected to early. This means you will have a gap of one hour before your next injection on monday => high in the morning or before dinner on monday.
In both cases I assume that you inject Lantus in the morning hours. A little time shift of 30min for two days can help to reduce the gap and gives you a smoother transition.
I love your cat debb!!!
I inject at 10pm but it seems to be something else because I just went high again during the night. Grrr, just when I figure out my dosage something changes and I have to start all over. This is precisely why I don’t work in the natural sciences. Its just too messy.
When I was on Lantus, I ended up splitting my dose and taking every 12 hours, worked well for me.
Won’t forget to change the time as this is my BIRTHDAY!!! Could not forget that I am turning the big 50 this year…whoa baby.
I turned 50 as well, lordie, ooooo and Happy bday!!!
I know this reply is not a total fit but, I am dealing with time zone changes. I am really glad this came up. I am going away in December and I just realized that St. Lucia is 2 hours different from St. Louis. When should I adjust my times on my meter? Do I do it when I take my first shot in the morning or when I arrive in the new time zone in early afternoon? I see some people change their meter after they do their before bed test. I have read some things that say stay on one schedule for the whole day and adjust the next morning. I also read one article that said adjust when you change time zones.
I think I am good on all other fronts I have purchased the Dia- Pak Deluxe for my open pens and supplies. I bought the Frio Duo to keep unopened pens in (I am following the rule keep 2 weeks of supplies for 1 week of travel). I am also looking at getting a backup meter.
I change mine when I remember. , hope that helps, hehe.