Funny (but sooo not funny) low blood sugar stories

Do you think you took off your clothes because you got the sweats? I know that there have been times when I have gotten the sweats bad…well…not as bad as this though!!! LOL

I haven’t a clue… but they were in a pile next to the door to my bedroom… I get the sweats when i’m low too, but I don’t usually strip down to nothing! LOL

My best one is as follows:

The year was 2004: it was the end of my highschool career, months away from graduating, days away from a trip to Vermont to go skiing, and minutes away from ending “Politics class” and about to go to “Law class”, which were, conveniently enough, in the same classroom. At the end of Politics I started noticing black dots in my vision. I attributed these to the sunny day outside and thought nothing of it (turns out they were actually from the hypo). In Law we were watching a movie, and a bunch of good friends of mine were in that class. A friend of mine turned around to tell me something, and my response clearly showed my incoherence. I just kept say “WHAT?” in a voice too loud during movie-watching. Now, I was lucky. My mom was a teacher at my highschool and a good friend of mine realized that I was having a diabetic episode. I was ushered to the Principal’s office to wait for my mom/ BG monitor so I could test. I was in a complete daze in the principal’s office, I didn’t know anyone’s name (was calling my mom “Steve” for some reason?), didn’t know where I was and I ended up puking all over the vice-principal’s office. The best part though: when I vomitted I hit an ex-girlfriend right in the face with it. That was pretty funny, but all I got out of it was a trip to the Hospital, no ski vacation and a mildly interesting story.

OMG too funny! Yeah I keep juice on my nightstand, but sometimes, you just can’t reason with us when we are low…

I just remember there being this older man and several firefighters… I live in Atlanta and have a few that I see as I work for Starbucks all the time… too bad it wasn’t those cuties! LOL

Nothing is like being rescued by handsome men in uniform… sigh LOL!

LOL! Trust me, I’ll gladly give them my D so they can find a cute medic! I’ll settle for a less attractive one… heheheh

LOL I’m still looking for that one that won’t compare me to his mother… I’ve found some close contenders, but not the one yet…

At 2 am my husband woke to find I was not in bed. He went looking for me and found me standing naked in front of the open fridge door. I don’t remember any of it, but I’m sure I woke up all sweaty from the low blood sugar, took off my nightgown and then went searching for food. Just wasn’t with it enough to figure out what to do once I got to the fridge.

damn. there is quite a bit of nakedness going on here. not to mention being oversexed into low blood sugar! haha.

My very first “gork” happened on our honeymoon to Canada in 1988. I woke up in the hotel room the 2 EMT’s giving IV glucose. My poor husband!!! (We’re still married:)

haha I’ve had this happen to me many times as well LOL…