ok, so this is really bad, i know. i have had a number of hypo mishaps in my day. so one morning while driving to a job, i was distracted by work related calls. i inadvertently forgot to drink the gatorade that i drank every morning, like clockwork. the next thing i know, i wake up in my car, crashed on the outer edge of a strawberry field. i came to, out of a sort of low blood sugar blackout, and realized what had happened. i looked quickly to my passenger seat, where a girlfriend at the time had left me a paper bag full of fresh picked oranges from her tree. i instantly pulled an orange from the bag, and began biting into it as it it were an apple, eating skin and all, juice dripping down my face. several minutes later an ambulance and officer showed up! i was still slightly low, but i told them that i had been rifling through a stack of cds, and lost control. i told them i was a diabetic at some point thereafter. the ambulance workers checked my sugar and it was surprisingly… 83. no proof of low sugar, no harm, no problem, according to the officer… and i was on my way after a wench out. hehe. so does anyone else have any narrow escape stories like that? just wondering. sadly, i have others to.
My first incident with a low while driving happened about 29 years ago. I blacked out and rolled my car on its side about 2 miles from home. I woke up sitting on the side of the road with some woman asking if I was alright. An officer showed up but I don’t remember an ambulance (this was in the country) He just drove me home! He came by the next day and asked what had happened and I told him and that was that!
Or the time I fell into a freezer at the grocery store. I think this was before glucometers.
Or the time I “woke” up about 30 miles past my exit on the highway and had to scour the floor of the car looking for candy.
Or the time I …
“fell into a freezer”!! lol sorry but that begs more of a story!!
My first low while driving was during my driving lessons at 15. I am pretty sure this really made my dad uneasy about me driving.
I have passed out while cleaning the litter box… yeah that was one for the books.
umm passed out at the endo office two yrs ago… was approved for my CGM real quick after that appt.
my twin sister passed out in the " its a small world" ride at disney oh yeah that was a good one the guy sitting next to us asked me if the ride was so boring that she fell asleep? BTW Disney medics are great!
I had a few in my forty years being a diabetic. About fifteen years ago when I was on shots and hardly tested, I was late for work and I had a half hour ride to work. So I gave my shot… didn’t test and left the house. I stopped at a gas station tha t had a Dunkin Donuts inside. I started pumping gas and a friend I hadn’t seen since high school came over and started talking to me, I kind of remember falling face first to the ground. Then the next thing I’m walking inside…making my way to the Dunkin Donuts side because I started feeling low and I thought I would get some donuts and eat them in the truck before I drove.Then I went to pay for my gas and I see these fire trucks pull in and I thought there must be a fire. So I walk out and a firefighter stopped me and asked if I was ok and I said yes,then he says that he can not let me drive and I willl have to call my wife so she can tell them when I’m ok to drive.Come to find out the guy that worked at the gas station saw me fall to the ground and he new I was a diabetic because his son has it. That night I stopped to thank the guy. I called my old friend from school and he thought the gas fumes caused me to passout. That’s one of mine. I have been on the pump for ten years and I have never had anything like that again…thank god.
Wish I could remember the rest of the story. Putting 2+2 together. I was shopping and apparently was at the frozen food isle, maybe reaching for something and… the rest is history!!!
i was a repairman of sorts at one time. working in a homeowners house refinishing a fiberglass shower. i to thought it was the chemicals getting to me. shortly thereafter, i jumped out of an open window, crashing through the screen, and laying in the backyard. the next thing i knew, a fire truck arrived. quite an incident. hehe.
I’m a partner in a manufacturing business. Talking to a customer about 25 years ago I blanked out. He called back and told our “office assistant” (to be politicaly correct now a days) that i was not responding. My partners went to the local 7-11 and bought OJ. 20 minutes later I was talking to the same customer as if nothing had happened.
Just one of many until CGM’s.
Was Dx’d July 6,1958 at the age of 3 and still going strong.
I was diagnosed a little over two years ago. I recently started dating and we started getting serious. I hadnt quite figured out how to tell him I was a diabetic. One night we got a little carried away and things became “intimate” . I hadnt done this since before I was diagnosed and didnt take into account the physical exertion it requires. Next thing I know hes waking me up and I managed to tell him I needed sugar. He brought me… the sugar. I explained to him I was a diabetic and understood if he was really freaked out. He Just looked at me … then smiled and said he had some serious bragging rights… he couldnt wait to tell his friends that he was so good … he almost put his girlfriend into a coma! We’re still dating.
Oh accidents? waaaay to many of them but the funniest (I have 2) of them all was the day I passed out during jury duty I went down in a sizer and scared the Judge to death. Woke up in the back of an ambulance and NEVER got called back to do it. In facy I was told (after calling them about the next day) not to even bother coming in! LOL! Or the time I passed out at Kroger with all kinds of food around me I went out like a light and woke up with an ambulance attendent checking my bg in the store.
nice ; )
I’ve had a serious accident due to a low. I was on my way to work as I had gotten called in when I was a paramedic. I hadn’t had dinner and it was around 9pm, but it was in the passenger seat and I had planned on eating some while driving. I had only made it like 10 miles from my house and knew that I was speeding but couldn’t pull myself out of this “trance.” I knew that there was a traffic light at the bottom of the upcoming hill, but couldn’t move. I woke up to firefighters standing outside my car with the jaws of life cutting me out of my car and a paramedic, which happened to be a friend of mine in the seat next to me pushing glucagon. I had not only rear-ended one car, but had side swiped another 3 cars. It was a fun experience! LOL NOT!!! Now, even with the CGMS I won’t drive below 140. It’s just not worth it!
Now, I’ve had a funny low, was interesting having to tell it to my endo… I always have a nightstand full of low food items. I woke up low and knew I was low and instead of checking, i decided just to treat. So, instead of using the items in my nightstand, I decide that the fridge is where i needed to be… but couldn’t figure out how to make it there. I made to my bedroom door and it was shut, so for some reason, I took off my clothes and made it out of my room. I walk into the living room and make it to the chair where i try to open to get food out of, but can’t. I end up finally giving up and sitting down on the floor, naked, and super low. I wake up to my sister and EMS standing over me lying in the floor… naked. It was awesome. LOL
i love those night time lows…lol
Yeah, they’re so my favorite! LOL
You got me beat in my 52 years with this challenge. I do not think i can top that. LOL
I think you win the weird low award…
oh man, I’ve never had anything dangerous happen to me while low…but this one was pretty funny.
I flew to CO for a business trip so I was staying in a hotel. At this time, I was using shots so I had a few syringes on top of my suitcase. I took a nap and woke up low low low. I grabbed some sour patch kids and quickly ate the glucose raising kids. However, as you all know, I was a bit weak so I was eating them lying down and some ended up around me. Sugar everywhere from the box. Then guess who comes knocking? Housekeeping. I didn’t have the time or the coherence to say “i’m busy, sorry!” so the sweet lady comes to see me laying face down on the bed with sour patch kids and syringes. She asked if i needed help, apologized, and left…awkward!
really? i was so embarrassed!!!
I have passed out while cleaning the litter box… yeah that was one for the books.
Ok, that’s funny.
I’m sure those hotel workers know a lot more about human behavior than most of us.