Funny pump story

I had to go to a courthouse the other day and file some papers, so I walk through the metal detector and it goes off, the security guard waves the wand up and down and it goes off at my chest, my pump was in my bra, so there I am, me and two male security guards and I say its an insulin pump and its in my bra, he says OH OK go ahead, I laughed and went in, next time i will put it in my pocket. live and learn

LOL that is hilarious! I never wore mine in my bra but did get a few strange looks at airports. One asked me to take it off and when I explained he was like OOOoooOh ok nevermind! haha. And I had a cat chew thru my tubeing one night but she never tried it again guess insulin didn’t taste too good! That’s about all the crazy things that have happened to me! I’m on the omnipod or I’d try wearing it in my bra good way for getting it out of the way! Thanks for the laugh I truely needed it!

I usually have it in my pocket, but I didnt have a pocket that day, it was funny, glad I could make you laugh, not much about this stuff is funny, gotta embrace the humor when its there

if i were you 'soon getting a pump’
i would panick and only
say its a pump…,.
and may ask for a lawier!!!
since i am shy!