So, I have found a way to get the most life out of your infusion sets. So, order the Sure T infusion sets from medtronic. These are manually pressed into your skin. It is in a needle as opposed to a catheter. After the given 3 days, slowly pull it out. Clean a new spot with alcohol swab and simply use the old infusion set. The adhesive tape will no longer work so use a sticky patch that one would use for your cgm. These can now be used for 10 days minimum. It goes into the skin easy even after the 3rd time. Speaking from experience. Any questions, let me know. Cheers. :)
You are only supposed to use metal sets for 24-48 hours according to the information that comes with them. I can see reusing them if needed (if I have a bad site I will sometimes just take it out and move it to a new location), but I wouldn't use them longer than 48 hours as I think it's more prone to form scar tissue than plastic sets.
live on the edge.....i have had 0 a matter of fact, the quik sets lasted much shorter than these, and you can change sites with these......companies out there just want to make money. Scar tissue you i wish you saw....mrs knowitall
Please make an effort to be respectful, that sort of tone is inappropriate to this community. We disagree vigorously all the time, but we treat each other as we would be treated ourselves.
I assume you lack insurance or your insurance has poor coverage? I cannot imagine why you would do this otherwise, it seems to be asking for issues with infection or occlusions.
Jen is not "Mrs Knowitall" she's a very respected and loved member of this community.
Further, there was absolutely nothing rude or offensive in her post -- she simply disagrees with you, and posted the reasons why.
You attacked her personally.
All diabetics that want to be part of this family are welcome here. However, we treat each other with respect. Please learn about the culture here, and you'll find this place a great addition to your D-life.