I need some advice. I started pumping exactly one week ago and all is going great except for a couple of problems.
On the first night(before I went to bed) the infusion set fell out. I placed another infusion set in and it held ok. I did you a waterproof tape to help keep it into place but it hurts like you-know-what when you take the tape off. Is there a product that can be used to help keep the infusion set in better withour fear of if coming off outside of tape?
today is my day that I need to change my infusion set.( 3 day rotation) it is now red and hurts, is this soemthing that is common?
thanks for your help with any advice! Being new to the pumping side of T1 is a ton of new and exciting things for me to learn.
I use the Medtronics Silhouette sets and they go in and come off pretty easily. I will tape them down as I run a lot and sometimes they've sweated off, I usually "belay" the tube with a strip of tape so it doesn't get tugged and it works ok? Mine seem more inclined towards itching than hurting a lot. It usually feels sort of cathartic to yank one off. I put the new one in first though, so it's easy to make sure I don't forget where the old one was? I hope you enjoy your pump as I've enjoyed mine!
I use the medtronic quicksets and before I put it on I rub IV Prep on my skin. It makes it sticky and gives it just enough hold that it doesn't come off. Not sure if you can buy it at a store my CDE gave me a handful and I think you can get it from medtronic when you order your other pump supplies...not sure which pump you use... but good luck
I also had red swollen sites after 2 or 3 days. Changing to a stainless steel needle set solved that for me. I use an Animas Ping and the set they make is called Contact-D. Kind of like wearing a thumb tack. but the site is clean, just a tiny hole when I move it. I hear the inflammation can also be caused by the type of insulin. Maybe eliminate each possibility one by one? If it is a teflon allergy like mine, you can get Dr. Scholl's callous protectors, the doughnut shaped ones (Generic brands don't stick well enough) to put over it to reduce "ouch, dammit!" moments when you bump your set. Good luck.