Glucagon Kit Not Allowed at Daycare?

I picked my kids up from daycare today (they go twice a week after school while I work). When I got there the director said she needs to talk to me. Apparently they went for their yearly CPR/First Aid training through the state licensing department and found out that they are not allowed to have Camden's glucagon kit on-site. She said that she told the person that she'd had one in the cupboard since the first day of school this year and she told her she needed to return it to me and that even if she had it, she could not administer it to him in an emergency situation.

She told her that I had showed her what to do and that there were instructions in it and it didn't matter.

What do other parents do? Do you send your kids to daycare without glucagon, knowing that it's unlikely that they'll need it? Does your daycare let you keep it there?

I'm lost. He was going to to go Summer DayCamp through this place during the summer while I'm at work and now there's no way he's going on field trips with them.

I told them that until I figured this out, my kids wouldn't be back.

Thanks for any help you can give

Does the Daycare allow epi pens?? I had to bring that up at our school meeting :slight_smile:

Yes, they said the only things they allow are Epi-Pens and Inhalers. I tried arguing that it was the same thing and she said she argued it on my behalf to this First Aid trainer, but was denied. They say those two things are the only two legal medications to have there. I just have a hard time believing that to be true. It doesn’t make sense.

I wondered about this. I think daycares have strict licensing regulations, but there has to be some way. We have Liam keep a kit with him at all times (in the room) that has all of his supplies. There is also a glucagon injection in there. When I met with his private preschool, I explained how to use it, and I got the feeling that they wouldn’t do it. I said that even if they decided they weren’t comfortable with that, it needed to stay with him at school so either my husband or I, whoever was closer, or else paramedics, if needed, could have the injection there to give him.

I didn’t push it, because I was afraid that if they researched licensing more, they wouldn’t be allowed to. I wonder if your son carries it with him (and home each day) if they would consider that storing it at the daycare?

That’s a tough one. Interested to hear what some of the veterans have to say.

I asked about it being in his backpack and she told me he could not bring it. She clearly told me that even if it was there, she could not use it. I had showed her how to use it and told her that his Dr.'s office had volunteered to train anyone who would be watching a diabetic child, but I wasn’t taken up on it.
I don’t understand these regulations. Are they really more concerned about the legalities than the well-being of our children?

Hi Emily. I’m sorry you have to go through this. I did a google search and found some interesting info…
Look at section 19a-79-9a Administration of Medication
Here is the link:
I have a feeling the reason they are telling you this is because the person who is at the day care is not comfortable administering a Glucagon. My daughter is in 4th grade and was diagnosed when she was in Pre-K attending the same school. We have never been told that she cannot have a Glucagon. My daughter carries one Glucagon in her bag and the other is in the clinic as back up. What your day care needs to realize is that a Glucagon is not a choice but a crucial necessity. I also recommend that whatever you decide to do whether to stay at this day care or go to another it would be a good idea to create a written statement between you and the day care about your child’s needs, rights, and treatment of diabetes while at their facility. This way there are no surprises and everyone knows what is going on right from the start. I hope you are able to get this resolved without much struggle.

Hi Emily! Sorry this happened. If the place is licensed, you can call Community Care Licensing in Ventura County. If it is licensed, this can be considered discrimination. If it’s not licensed, you probably don’t want your kids there. Community Care Licensing should be able to tell you the regulations on glucagon. If I think of something else, I’ll post it here. If you want me to contact them, as a social worker, I’d be happy to do that. Chin up! Of course we all send/keep glucagon at the places where our kids get regular supervision, like school, camp, daycare, etc.

There must be an educational issue here. Someone’s fear is trumping good judgment. It is completely illogical to agree to care for a diabetic child without the option of treating with glucagon. Good luck. I’m sure you’ll find a way to work it out.

I’m a teacher in a public middle school and students with diabetes must keep the glucagon in the nurses office, but our school is required keep it for them. My daughter was diagnosed in kindergarten, so hers stays with her in her bag with her meter that she carries back and forth to school. If the preschool is private, they may not have the same standards as public schools, but I would still think they would be at much greater risk not to have the glucagon on site. If there was an emergency and something happened to a child because they refused to allow the necessary items to treat the student, they could be liable in any lawsuit. And I believe someone also mentioned discrimination, which is an entirely different issue. I would speak to your child’s endocrinologist to see if maybe they have any ideas or suggestions.

I’ve spent the morning on the phone. My most informative call was to the State Licensing. They said this info was definitely not coming from them. However, they said that the daycare can say that they do not have anyone trained to use glucagon and if they don’t, they cannot store it there (or care for the diabetic child). I brought up the American Disabilities Act and said that I would get a 504 Plan for there just like at school. She looked it up and said that in that regulations (number 101226) it states that if a center accepts care for a child with diabetes, they are saying that they have a capable person who is or will be trained to give a glucagon shot. They CAN say that they have nobody capable of caring for a diabetic child though.
So, I’m waiting for the head of the daycare center (YMCA) to call me back. They’ve already accepted him knowing that he has diabetes and told me at that time that they’ve had kids with diabetes before. That means they feel capable, therefore need to be trained and hold the glucagon on site. I’ll keep you all informed as to what the center says about that. If they’re not longer capable, then I guess I just have to find another center for him. This one is on his school’s campus and only a block away from home, so it really would be nice for them to help me out here…

Thanks Tracy! That’s who I’ve spent the morning on the phone with. It’s actually sounding a bit trickier than I expected. I just wanted to make sure other parents send glucagon with their kids. I know he’ll probably never need it, but that doesn’t mean I want him somewhere without it. Sometimes I just don’t know if I’m being over-protective or if I’m just doing the same thing as every other parent of a CWD. We don’t know many other diabetic kids locally and he’s the only one at his school and daycare. They seem to think I’m panicking about everything. I don’t think so at all! I’m actually pretty darn relaxed, but only as long as I feel he’s safe where he’s at! :slight_smile:

I just got off the phone with the daycare. He also spoke to the State Licensing Department and they told him what they told me.
If they accept a child with diabetes, they must have an “exception” to hold the glucagon. They cannot hold it, use it, or assume care for a child with diabetes without formal training. Which is awesome! So, daycare told me they’re getting the paperwork and will have someone at the daycare trained and then he can come back.
In the meantime, he’ll come back to my work with me after school, but I’m feeling super relieved now!