Recently had blood work and a visit with my Dr and everything is looking a lot better than it did a month ago. I appreciate so much everyone that commented on my past posts offering insight, info, and general positivity.
My numbers are all way down and in a much better range (according to my meter my average is 119), and apparently I’m about 40lbs lighter than I’d initially thought and 20lbs lighter than the last weight the office had for me (May). Hard not to feel positive with all of that!!
Your better blood glucose numbers and continuing weight loss provide concrete evidence of your determination and persistance. Congratulations!
Do you have any interest in wearing a CGM? It’s not possible for everyone due to cost, insurance coverage and uninformed medical opinions, but I’m thinking it could enhance your motivation and sustain your efforts going forward. What do you think about CGM?
That’s awesome news. Often people who tighten up their glucose, gain weight. So the fact that you tightened up your glucose and lost weight is a big deal. !
I haven’t really thought about a CGM to be honest! My Dr seems pleased with how things are going, but I’m open to try anything haha. I’d have to do a little more research on whether it makes sense.
Speaking of insurance, as of the first of the year my insurance isn’t covering the test strips I use (freestyle lite), but they are covering another brand I already ordered some on Amazon, just a pain in the neck.
In most cases, whatever brand your insurance covers is usually fine. What brand is your insurance covering? You can get a prescription for the new strips and meter from your Dr.
They’re covering one touch I believe? I’ve just gotten used to using the freestyle, I like the meter. The pharmacist gave me a generic brand and strips to last me til the ones I ordered come, and the meter is HUGE.
Hmm, One Touch aren’t well regarded for their accuracy anymore. Are their any other brands your insurance is covering? My insurance has a formulary search and they cover several test strip/meter combinations besides the one name brand.